CleanTalk offers more protection from spam bots to sites by WordPress. The new version provides a unique opportunity to test existing spam comments.

CleanTalk adds new features in CleanTalk Anti-Spam, our solutions are reliable, easy and efficient. Work of the module is absolutely invisible for visitors and allows to renounce forever the ways of protection complicating communication on the website (CAPTCHA, question and answer, etc.). CleanTalk allows you to automate protection from spam and registering of spam bots.

Cloud anti-spam service CleanTalk released a new version of the anti-spam plugin for WordPress, the new version has a unique function of automatic check for spam of the existing comments on the site.

This allows administrators of the Web sites automatically check and identify spam bots comments, which were not detected by conventional anti-spam tools.

This function is present only for WordPress, it will gradually be introduced for other CMS.

CleanTalk identifies spam bots, using its own algorithms to estimate the parameters visitor, on the basis of these tests is formed its own database of spam bots. Checking existing comments is made on the basis of the nearly 2 million of certain spam bots. Detailed statistic allows CleanTalk customers to control the whole process.

“The team CleanTalk has been developing a cloud spam protection system for four years and has created a truly reliable anti-spam service designed for you to guarantee your safety”.

Download the new version anti spam by CleanTalk for WordPress

For WordPress users, checking existing comments for spam

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