BlackList by Language



Spam spreads not only in English. Many spam messages are written in Chinese, Arabic, Japanese or Korean languages.

If your website isn’t aimed at an international audience, and you don’t expect comments/users from other languages. For example, your website is about fishing in Ireland and you don’t want to have comments from the Chinese language.

We added a new filter to block comment/messages by languages. That allows you to automatically block comments, messages from languages for which you have set a ban.

At the moment, the blacklist of languages allows adding for blocking next languages:

  • Chinese
  • Korean
  • Japanese
  • Hindi
  • Arabic

This option is useful in cases of protection from manual spam and enhances protection.

CleanTalk informs you about the occurrence of an opportunity to manage personal black/white lists. You can view, add, and delete their items in the Control Panel. You can add languages to the blacklist in dashboard CleanTalk -> Black&White lists or use the link


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