Rearrange of management for “Stop Word” interface


Stop Word Feature allows you to block comments and messages which contain any word from your Stop-Word List to filter out to enhance spam protection and messages with obscene words blocking.

The control of interface of the “Stop Word” option has been moved to the main management interface for personal blacklists.
It allows you to manage all of your BlackLists in the one place.
So, we also added a counter for requests. It allows you to know a number of blocked/allowed requests by stop words.

Many spam messages contain some words markers in the text on which you can identify spam.
For example: Earn per week, 100% free, No credit check, and etc.
All messages that contain these words will be sent for moderation.

Thus, using the stop words option, it is possible to improve the protection against spam, including manual spam and block comments with indecent and offensive content.

To create a list of blocked words you can click here to add particular words or phrases. We also recommend checking comments from time to time and adding new stop words. If you already use your own lists they will be moved automatically.

Our instruction How to use Stop Word here.


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