PHP Error Logging in the WordPress Backend


CleanTalk has added a new function in their WordPress Security Plugin. With CleanTalk Security you will always know about any PHP errors on your website.

Are you sure that your website doesn’t have PHP errors?
Not all hosting companies enable PHP Log by default and you need some time to enable it and sometimes it looks difficult if you don’t have enough experience.

Why is it important?

Any PHP errors tell you that some of your website functionality doesn’t work correctly, furthermore hackers may use these errors to get access to your website.

So, CleanTalk WordPress Security Plugin collects PHP errors and sends them to your CleanTalk Dashboard.

PHP Log contains data/time and the type of error:

Each type has a short comment, what does it mean and our recommendations for how to resolve it. You can view your log in CleanTalk Dashboard.

CleanTalk provides a simple and easy way to control all PHP errors and to prevent problems for your customers. You can enable this option on the settings page of CleanTalk WordPress Security plugin. Go to your WordPress Dashboard->Settings->Security by CleanTalk->General Settings->Miscellaneous and pick the option “Collect and send PHP logs”.

If you have any questions, we will be happy to help you.
Leave your comment below.


18 responses to “PHP Error Logging in the WordPress Backend”

  1. Jan Mazánek Avatar
    Jan Mazánek

    This is step in the wrong direction. If I buy a seat belt, I don’t expect it to check the motor of the car.

    Please, take care about your business. For example allow filtering of blocked post submits by some score how much you trust that submit is a spam.

    I don’t want to get to world, where CleanTalk, SEO plugins authors, Theme developers, and many other parties do think that they have to care about PHP logs. I don’t want to care about configuring “do not log PHP errors”.

    And this is also security risk. You may not ensure, that with PHP Notice/warning/error/… message you will not get some credentials.

    Please, remove this from CleanTalk.

  2. Karel Avatar

    Maybe I am stupid but there is no Miscellaneous settings in my WordPress like you say here.

    Go to your WordPress Dashboard->Settings->Security by CleanTalk->General Settings->Miscellaneous and pick the option “Collect and send PHP logs”.

    I can see Show the access key, check comments, check users, negative reports. And in advanced settings there is absolutely no PHP log settings.


  3. Karel Avatar

    Ah, ok. Nevermind. There is difference in Spam protection and Security protection plugin which is not clear and I got info about that…

  4. Pat Racco Avatar

    Hi guys,
    I actually found out that cleantalk was the reason why Facebook blacklisted my domain on http.
    As soon as I removed cleantalk it all went back to normal.

    I notice something strange a few days ago when a page with the cleantalk logo (and some text I couldn’t read as it disappeared too quickly) started to appear just before my website was loaded.

    Very strange. Any ideas?

  5. Pat Racco Avatar

    Hi guys,
    I actually found out that cleantalk was the reason why Facebook blacklisted my domain on http.
    As soon as I removed cleantalk it all went back to normal.

    I notice something strange a few days ago when a page with the cleantalk logo (and some text I couldn’t read as it disappeared too quickly) started to appear just before my website was loaded.

    Very strange. Any ideas?

  6. Almaz Magsumov Avatar
    Almaz Magsumov

    Hello, Jan, Karel.

    PHP Error Logging is available for Security plugin only:

    Make note, this feature is disabled by default. It can be enabled or disabled here:

    Go to your WordPress Dashboard->Settings->Security by CleanTalk->General Settings-> “Collect and send PHP logs”.

    Thank tou.

  7. Almaz Magsumov Avatar
    Almaz Magsumov

    Hello, Pat.

    Please, create a ticket in our support system and describe the problem in more detail:

    Thank you.

  8. Rick Jaggers Avatar

    Your email subject line was confusing:

    Did you actually find an error on one of my sites, or are you simply announcing this as a new feature/function?

  9. Almaz Magsumov Avatar
    Almaz Magsumov

    Hello, Rick.

    It’s just an announce of our new feature.

  10. Rick Jaggers Avatar

    I’m also curious about Pat Racco’s comment: “I actually found out that cleantalk was the reason why Facebook blacklisted my domain on http. As soon as I removed cleantalk it all went back to normal.”

    I’d like to hear more:
    How did he discover that? A notice from Facebook?
    What did he remove? The plugin? The widget?
    Does something from cleantalk momentarily load before the rest of the site opens?

  11. Brian Avatar

    I am unable to login to my WP dashboard because of the unexpected error, how do i rectify?

  12. Almaz Magsumov Avatar
    Almaz Magsumov

    Hello, Brian.

    Please, create a ticket in our support system and describe the problem in more detail:

    It also would be great if you send us screenshot of the error,

    Thank you.

  13. Pat Racco Avatar

    Hi Rick,

    How did he discover that? A notice from Facebook?
    What did he remove? The plugin? The widget?

    I shared a link on Messenger and instead of showing a little blurb of the website with the feat. image as usual, it said BLACKLISTED. I’ve checked with MX tools and al seemed normal on https. On http hower, I noticed a 406 error NOT ACCEPTABLE (never seen before). Instead, the Facebook debugger just said BLACKLISTED.

    I connected the dots re the message that started to appear from CleanTalk before the page loaded, so I tried deactivating the plugin. All normal now, no blacklist or errors of any sort.

  14. Pat Racco Avatar

    I’ve reactivated CleanTalk plugin temporarily, here’s a screenshot from FB debugger

    Sorry, it was a 403 error, not a 406.

  15. Pat Racco Avatar

    And this is FB debugger without CleanTalk

  16. Almaz Magsumov Avatar
    Almaz Magsumov

    Hello, Pat.

    We are investigating this issue.

    We will contact you within 48 hours.

    Please, wait.

  17. Almaz Magsumov Avatar
    Almaz Magsumov

    Hello, Pat.

    We need to know what IP addresses of FB messenger were blocked by us.

    Could you please create a ticket in our support system:

    In this way we will know your profile and fix the problem.

    Thank you.

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