Comparative statistic of spam activity on 4 popular CMS


We have briefly analysed spam activity on 4 CMS powered platforms with CleanTalk service and got the following results:

  • First place — WordPress, 99.46% of spam messages, 88 thousand queries in selection.
  • Second place — DataLife Engine, 91.12% of spam queries (registrations + messages), 3 thousand queries in selection.
  • Third place — phpBB3, 86.98% of spam queries (registrations + messages), 655 thousand queries in selection.
  • Fourth place — Joomla, 42.08% of spam messages, 2 thousand queries in selection.

Figures show that our incontestable “winner” is WordPress. This platform is the most popular among spammers.

Joomla`s low percent is explained by the fact that Cleantalk works only with JComments component so far. Only recently did it start to support standard feedback form component. JComments does not work if website visitor`s computer does not support JavaScript, which accordingly influences the quantity of spam queries.

We broadened our analysis a bit.

First, we drew a diagram of previously mentioned data for them to be more vivid. We also counted average number of spam attacks on websites with regard to the platform. We used queries of August 2012 for our analysis. Here are the results:

  • phpBB3 — 180 spam attacks a day on average.
  • Joomla — less than 1.
  • WordPress — 338 spam attacks a day on average.
  • DataLife Engine — 101 spam attacks a day on average.


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