CleanTalk Anti-Spam with White Label mode


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Warning! The instruction is out-of-date. The current guide can be found here.

We have developed the White label mode to make usage of the service for hosting more comfortable and it virtually eliminates the interaction between CleanTalk and hosting clients. This option is available only for WordPress MultiSite.

It also allows changing logos, links to your own. Your clients don’t need to get an access key, and the anti-spam logs and statistics will be available in the plugin settings, in the admin panel.

How to enable White label Mode
You have to edit wp-config.php in WordPress and add this code:
define(‘APBCT_WHITELABLE’, true);

Where YOUR_HOSTER_API_KEY is a key from your CleanTalk’s hoster panel.

So, you can change other details of the plugin in your CleanTalk Dashboard.

Learn more, how to configure your own hosting service.

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