Dear costumers! At the moment, our anti-spam servers are experiencing increased load, therefore, errors may be displayed in the plugin settings:Error occurred while updating SpamFireWall local baseError occurred while checking account status. Error: CONNECTION_ERRORError occurred while API key validating. Error:
Additional email address to receive CleanTalk Reports for all services
We have expanded the ability to add an additional email address to receive email reports. A new option allows you to send reports for all services provided by CleanTalk. This is necessary for customers who care about receiving notifications to
How Can You Manage Access for Spiders, Crawlers and Other Bots on Your Website? Protecting From Content and Personal Data Parsing
Every day your website is being visited by different bots, the majority of their visits are invisible to you even in Google Analytics, however, it doesn’t mean that the bots don’t visit your website. Your web server logs can help
Spam attacks on CleanTalk
Hello, We have to inform you that today we once again have been attacked by spammers who used our email for phishing attack using our email address. Spammers use it to send phishing messages to websites.
This December we offer special discounts for our Security service and Uptime monitoring
We will reduce the price from $20 per year to $9 per year when purchasing a cloud security service and from $15 per year to $9 per year for an Uptime monitoring service. Discounts on both services start from 08
New Options: CleanTalk Anti-Flood and Anti-Crawler
Hello, Recently we added new options for SpamFireWall.They are Anti-Flood and Anti-Crawler. They are meant to block different bots. Most of the visiting bots are not being shown in the statistics of Google Analytics so you can’t see the exact
How to stop spam on Convertkit and ActiveCampaign form
We have added anti-spam support for the ConvertKit and ActiveCampaign forms. All CleanTalk Anti-Spam features are available to keep safe your mailing list from spam emails. You can protect your spam subscriptions and registrations for spam with using the CleanTalk
The Newest CleanTalk Anti-Spam Updates
We have strengthened the verification of existing users/comments for spam. Additional parameters were added to the scan which are being taken when checking existing comments and users for spam. Changes to the checking logic have been applied to reduce memory
Updates for the anti-spam plugin for OpenCart and Journal 3 theme
We have released a new version of the anti-spam plugin for OpenCart in which we have added the following updates: Added SpamFireWall for OpenCart. Now you can block the most spam active bots until they visit the site.Read more
Sectigo/Comodo SSL Root Certificate Expiring May 30, 2020
Hello, AddTrust External CA Root that was used to sign Sectigo Certificates expired on May 30, 2020. Since you acquired a Sectigo/Comodo Positive SSL Certificate the statement above might be true for you. Read more about it here: You don’t