A new kind of WordPress anti-spam plugin settings page


We have simplified the plugin settings page and added new elements.

  1. Add visual display protected forms and the user can immediately see that the protection is active.
  2. We’ve removed in a drop-down advanced settings, these settings for 99.99% of the users  are optimal and do not require changes.
  3. In the status bar we’ve added  plugin statistics of processed events in the past 24 hours. You’ll always know how many comments was added and how many spam attacks was stopped. Statistics has a link to the CleanTalk Control Panel to view detail and service management, as well as a quick link to the plugin’s settings.

We will be grateful to you if you say your opinion. Thank you!


2 responses to “A new kind of WordPress anti-spam plugin settings page”

  1. susanbetweennapsontheporch Avatar

    Just added Anti-Spam to my blog but spam comments are still getting through. Suggestions?

  2. shagimuratov Avatar

    Hello Susan,

    It looks like something wrong with plugin setup on your website, because my dummy “spam” comment passed by plugin too.

    Please let us 1-2 days to figure our this issue. I will write you back here.

    Thank you!

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