Hostname provides free CleanTalk to all clients

· has already announced Cloud anti-spam CleanTalk Solution for Website owners and designers today. This is a free extra bundle costs $8 per year per domain which provides maximum protection from spam bots.

Why CleanTalk?

CleanTalk is a simple and convenient form of comments/registrations without annoying CAPTCHAs and puzzles. Website owners who run websites that allow comments face a major problem: spambots tend to flood comments sections, filling them with ads and irritating regular visitors. Some websites use captchas and other tools to filter out spambots, but this also annoys visitors who just want to leave comments without having to jump through hoops. Clean Talk can scan every incoming comment automatically using cloud-based analytics, decide whether the comment is coming from a visitor or a spambot, and then either block or allow the comment.

All shared in severs are suscribled to Cleantalk premium membership. Cleantalk is ready to be used. Just need to install plugin for popular scripts like WordPress, Joomla,.. for your websites you are protected by this great service!

Which services are protected by Cleantalk?

We know what problems spam bots brings to our clients. By using Cleantalk, wish to provide the maximum protection from spam to the websites” said Khoi Nguyen, the CEO of “This convenient anti-spam solution is already included in our hosting, reseller hosting and master reseller hosting packages from now”. is a team of committed Server Experts, Systems Engineers, Server Administrators, and Support Technicians who truly bring great services to all clients. In 7 years of hosting, is grown to serving thousands of clients all over the world. Along with anti-spam Cleantalk, we also provide a lot of benefits to customer like WHMXtra, Softaculous, Cloud Backup, etc…

By Hostnameclub.


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