Category: Uncategorized

  • Anti-spam MOD for phpBB3, version 3.75 ready

    Anti-spam MOD for phpBB3, version 3.75 ready

    Anti-spam MOD for phpBB3 updated, the changes in the new version,

    • fixed bug with removing the signature of service;
    • improved JavaScript anti-spam test;
    • updated CleanTalk PHP API.

    Archive module

  • SpamTrawler company announced a collaboration with the anti-spam service CleanTalk.

    In the security web sites SpamTrawler integrated solutions CleanTalk to protect websites against spam that will receive the entire range of services through a single software system . Now all the company’s customers SpamTrawler will be protected from spambots attacks with anti spam service CleanTalk.

    SpamTrawler a powerful set of integrated tools for security Web sites, including: firewall, virus scanner, malware scanner, file integrity monitoring.

    CleanTalk – is a cloud automatic spam protection service. The protection method offered by CleanTalk allows to switch from the methods that trouble the communication (CAPTCHA, question-answer etc.) to a more convenient one. This application allows protection from automatically distributed spam, as well as from spam bots registrations.

  • Anti-spam plugin for Joomla, version 1.73

    Available updated anti-spam plugin for Joomla, changes in the new version,

    • Improved spam protection for VirtueMart 1.1.3.
    • Improved JavaScript anti-spam test for signup, comments and feedback forms.
    • Improved anti-spam for JComments 2.3.

    We remind all the plugin functions,

    • Protection from spam bots registrations at Joomla,
    • Protection from spam bots at feedback form,
    • Anti-spam for VirtueMart 1.x, 2.x
    • Anti-spam for One Page Checkout (Rupostel).
    • Anti-spam for JComments 2.3.
    • Anti-spam support for Rapid Contact, VTEM Contact.
    • Support Joomla 1.5, 2.5, 3.x.

    The archive with the updating

  • Disabled limit of approved registrations/comments on all packages

    Disabled limit of approved registrations/comments on all packages

    From 24 February till 24 March 2014 for all packages are disabled daily limits of approved “registrations/comments”.

    We are testing the new tariff policy, we hope to use it in the future on a permanent basis for all customers of the service.

  • New Anti-spam MOD for phpBB3, version 3.74 ready

    New Anti-spam MOD for phpBB3, version 3.74 ready

    Anti-spam MOD for phpBB3 updated, the changes in the new version,

    • fixed bug at Moderation control panel.
    • fixed code and design module in accordance with the recommendations of the team

    Archive module

  • Fault in the billing system on Jan 16, 2014

    Fault in the billing system on Jan 16, 2014

    Today 16.01.2014, in the first half of the day (until 06:00 GMT time) during the upgrade of the billing system mistakenly sent messages about disabling the service. In the same time the service wasn’t disabled!

    We apologize for inconvenience!

  • Perl, Python anti-spam API to web-site spam protection

    Ready to use API for protecting web site from spam, to an existing class PHP, added antispam modules Perl and Python. Libraries enable you to check on the spam as a new comment and registration. Examples:

    Perl API:

    use strict;
    use WebService::Antispam;

    my $ct = WebService::Antispam->new({
    auth_key => ‘12345’ # API key, please get on

    my $response = $ct->request({
    message => ‘abc’, # Comment visitor to the site
    example => undef, # The text of the article to which visitor created a comment.
    sender_ip => ‘’, # IP address of the visitor
    sender_email => ‘st********@ex*****.com‘, # Email IP of the visitor
    sender_nickname => ‘spam_bot’, # Nickname of the visitor
    submit_time => 12, # The time taken to fill the comment form in seconds
    js_on => 1, # The presence of JavaScript for the site visitor, 0|1

    Python API:

    from cleantalk import CleanTalk

    ct = CleanTalk(auth_key=’yourkey’)
    ct_result = ct.request(
    message = ‘abc’, # Visitor comment
    sender_ip = ‘’, # Visitor IP address
    sender_email = ‘st********@ex*****.com‘, # Visitor email
    sender_nickname = ‘spam_bot’, # Visitor nickname
    js_on = 1, # Is visitor has JavaScript
    submit_time = 12 # Seconds from start form filling till the form POST
    if ct_result[‘allow’]:
    print(‘Comment allowed. Reason ‘ + ct_result[‘comment’])
    print(‘Comment blocked. Reason ‘ + ct_result[‘comment’])

    Python module compatible with the version of Python 2 and Python release 3. Soon to be available API platform .NET.

    Perl anti-spam module to the web site

    Python anti-spam module to the web site

  • Updated PHP API to version 1.21.9

    Ready to use version 1.21.9 PHP API, change the following:

    • Requests to the server switched ring HTTP+JSON. From RPC::XML refuse his redundancy for our service.
    • In the class “Cleantalk added option «data_codepage», which allows you to specify a code page of the data transferred, respectively class automatically encodes the data in UTF-8.

    The input, output the name of the variables and functions are fully compatible with the previous version of the API to update enough to replace cleantalk.class.php.


  • PHP Class protect the site from spam

    Not so long ago we updated the PHP class protection against spam sites, which may well be used to protect any PHP web-site. Of the most interesting changes:

    • protection of the site without Captcha;
    • automatically connect to the fastest server in a pool of servers;
    • detailed examples of the use of the class.

    Download the latest version of the class

  • Importance of comments and automatic spam protection.

    Importance and necessity of comments on websites, blog or forum is already understood by everyone. That is so because they directly influence the traffic. Comments for searching engines imply that the website content is actively discussed. Many users value the utility of a product by comments to it. But there is one peculiarity – this may be the wish of some users to get a backlink and traffic from your website. Nevertheless, all websites and forums are affected by spam, automatic or manual.

    I offer you to speak today about the protection of a web resource from spam. Spam in comments, blogs or in a forum creates considerable workload for moderators and if you’ve got your personal resource, blog or forum, all this work falls on you, taking much time for routine tasks. No user would read forum or website overwhelmed with spam so protective measures are to be taken.

    So what methods or principles of spam protection do various software products offer?

    In fact all spam protection methods consist of complicating the way to the comments for spam bots. But what makes the access more complicated for spam bots, makes it more complicated for users as well, so this is the reverse of the coin. Inputing Captcha, counting numbers and answering questions is quite embarrassing for everyone. Such methods push the visitors off. And comments and messages on forums are the source of traffic. The more sophisticated the methods of protection are, the more complicated the bots become as they learn how to avoid protection.

    Another aspect of the protection methods is protection from manual spamming. It consists in  pre-moderation of messages, i.e. permanent control by a moderator, which also pushes the visitors off as they wish to communicate in real time but not wait for moderation of their messages. If you do not use pre-moderation you may also choose to delete spam messages manually which is also not good.

    You have to hire staff for moderation and this means extra losses.

    And if it is your personal website and you are a moderator here, you waste YOUR time already. So maybe you just automate the process?

    So consider another spam protection method which lacks the drawbacks of the previous ones. Here users may post messages and comments online and they are released now from captcha and another tools offered to them within conterspam methods.

    Let`s consider this solution, which is CleanTalk.Spam protect plug-in, more precisely. This plug-in currently works with the following platforms: Joomla, phpBB, WordPress, DataLife Engine, IP Board, vBulletin.

    Its principle of operation is based on the messages relevancy and evaluation of this relevancy to the topic of website, blog or article to which the comment is written.

    If a commentary was written by user and fits the topic, it will be automatically published. If the message does not coincide with the topic, it will undergo manual moderation and the user will be sent notification with the reason for blocking. The user here will be able to correct his message while a bot will have to switch to a less protected resource.

    As the result the website is protected from spam and off topic messages and visitors have handy and simple registration procedure and comments form which is undoubtedly an advantage as the comments are the source of content. Resources previously spent on moderation may now be redirected to more productive activity.

    Additional features of the CleanTalk plug-in allow to block messages with stop words and form the user`s his own list of stop words. The service also allows to send the messages, which contain obscene lexis, swearing and proclivities to ethnic dissention, to manual moderation.