Category: CleanTalk

  • Short statistics of six months 2015

    We decided to bring intermediate results of six months 2015.

    This is the results observed in spam attacks.

    The number of spam attacks prevented on the sites for CMS:
    WordPress 241 753 033
    Joomla 35 511 344
    phpBB 4 019 935
    Drupal 2 633 882

    Of six months 2015 CleanTalk prevented 331 395 138 spam attacks.

    As we observe the reduction in the average number of spam attacks per day on site for about 40-50% compared to 2014. Perhaps, this is due to the fact that spam bots can’t post spam on the site and don’t want to spend more time and resources.

  • Spam FireWall – how to reduce CPU usage on website and to block DDoS attacks

    Spam FireWall – how to reduce CPU usage on website and to block DDoS attacks

    The CleanTalk SpamFirewall manages and filtres all inbound HTTP traffic to protect web sites from spam bots and to reduce the load on the web servers.

    CleanTalk has got an advanced option “Spam FireWall” for WordPress and Joomla!, this option allows blocking the most active spam bots before they get access to web site. It prevents loading of pages of the web site by spam bots, so your web server doesn’t need perform all scripts on these pages. Also it prevents scanning of pages of the web site spam bots.

    Therefore Spam FireWall significantly can reduce the load on your web server.

    Spam FireWall also makes Cleantalk the two-step protection from spam bots. Spam FireWall is the first step and it blocks the most active spam bots, CleanTalk Anti-Spam is the second step and it checks all other requests on the web site in the moment before submit comments/registers and etc.

    How Spam FireWall works

    • The visitor enters to your web site.
    • HTTP request data is checked of the nearly 5,8 million of certain IP spam bots
    • If it is an active spam bot, it gets a blank page, if it is a visitor then it gets a site page. This is completely transparent to the visitors.

    All the CleanTalk Spam FireWall activity is being logged in the process of filtering. The logs will be available for viewing in CleanTalk Dashboard since 10/15/2015.

    Spam FireWall DDos Protection
    Spam FireWall can mitigate the HTTP/HTTPS DDoS attacks. When an intruder makes use of GET/POST requests to attacks on your website. Spam FireWall blocks all requests from the bad IP addresses. Your website will issue give for infringer a special page instead of the website pages. Therefore Spam FireWall can help to reduce of CPU usage on your server.

    Get SpamFireWall

  • Select a language for service messages

    We have added an ability to select the language for service messages. These messages are issued to visitors at the service’s event handling online.

    Depending on the audience of your site, you can use next to display messages:

    English, Russian, French, Spanish, German, Danish, Polish, Portuguese and Italian.

    To change the language for service messages, go to Control Panel-> Settings-> API response language

  • What makes us different from other spam protection services? Why choose us?

    What makes us different from other spam protection services? Why choose us?

    1. No Captcha or other actions required from the user. This lowers the conversion, irritates the customer and makes them leave. They are unsafe and let a lot of spam in, transferring the problem form webmaster to the customers, which means that you have spam problems and you don’t know what to do about them. You don’t know how many customers you’ve lost because they couldn’t insert symbols right.
    2. It’s more reliable than similar systems. Those systems let the spam in; they have different operation principle and can’t be as reliable as CleanTalk. CleanTalk algorithms estimate user’s behavior and the way he fills out the forms. These multilevel checks enable CleanTalk to reach high efficiency in spam protection. With other protection systems, real users might be mistaken for spam, they put all spam messages in a spam folder and you have to look through it all the time not to miss a client. This folder has to be cleaned all the time, which leads to more load on the website and it starts to work slower.
    3. CleanTalk is more reliable than protection based on JavaScript check. It’s worth mentioning that spambots can run JavaScript and their number grows, meaning that spam grows too. Some customers turn off the JavaScript support in their browsers for safety purposes, these customers leave without you even knowing about it.
    4. Clear statistics. CleanTalk extremely open statistics for all incoming registrations/ comments, which gives you full control of the process. You will never miss a message. In order to inform clients, CleanTalk sends weekly report to your e-mail, containing information on the number of approved and spam registrations/comments. CleanTalk provides you with diagrams for your every website and you can see the dynamics of spam activity or rightful comments/registrations on your website.
    5. CleanTalk protects all forms at once – comments, registration, feedback, contact, reviews. There’s no need to install a separate plug-in for a specific form.
    6. Easy to install and use. Even my grandma can do it.
    7. CleanTalk operates automatically, which saves your time and resources, letting you focus on developing and improving your web-site and business without being distracted by other matters.
    8. CleanTalk is a premium service. This guarantees that plug-in won’t disappear the way others do, you can always contact technical support and your request will be processed promptly. We seek to provide high class service and cannot afford to distribute a free version, since they always have limitations, which influences the quality of spam protection. Purchasing the year of service, you save a lot more and get:
    •         100% protection against spambots
    •         Time and resources saving
    •         More registrations/comments/visitors
    •         Protect several websites at once at different CMS
    •         Easy to install and use
    •         Traffic acquisition and user loyalty
    •         24/7 technical support
    •         Clear statistics
    •         No captcha, puzzles, etc.
    •         Free mobile app

    Everyday we save time for something good for you, like:

    • Have a cup of coffee
    • Read the news
    • Buy donuts
  • Anti spam analytics

    You can monitor the dynamics of spam attacks and proper comments on the page of analytics service in the Control Panel.
    We tried to make a visual and convenient statistics. You can view a summary of the last week, month and year for all your sites or for each one separately.
    Share your stats with your friends.
  • Even more opportunities to provide protection from spam on Joomla.

    Even more opportunities to provide protection from spam on Joomla.

    CleanTalk is a SaaS spam protection service for Web-sites. CleanTalk uses protection methods which are invisible for site visitors. Connecting to the service eliminates needs for CAPTCHA, questions and answers and other methods of protection, complicating the exchange of information on the site.

    Many don’t think about the importance of reliable spam protection. But, it’s something we all must face. Yes, eliminating spam attacks takes time, and valuable resources. However, not providing such protections looks bad in the eyes of clients. And, it can lead to a loss of reputation.

    Just think what would be done to owners of Joomla web sites, if spam attacks mislead clients, directing them to malicious websites. Intruders add loads of malicious content to web sites and there is no time to eliminate it. Spambots are the problem for every website on the Internet and CleanTalk is meant to get rid of such situations. CleanTalk is a preventative system of spambots protection, invisible to the website visitors and providing 100% efficiency.

    CleanTalk Company is happy to announce to all Joomla users, that they have launched the newest version of anti-spam plugin.

    In the new version, CleanTalk is able to employ the spam protection mechanism for free forms (contacts, comments, registrations). Before, CleanTalk could only provide protection for the most popular or standard forms. The employment of protection for the new forms took time and complicated the development. Considering the great number of plugins, it seemed impossible to create protection for each one separately.

    The new plugin mechanism enables support to various forms of different authors. The idea is for the plugin to monitor actions on websites and every time there’s a registration or a new comment, CleanTalk estimated the parameters of the form filling and the visitor’s behavior. The service checks these parameters for signs of spambots and makes decisions, whether it’s a person or a spambot. The spambot protection for free forms is set via the plugin settings.

    CleanTalk sends a weekly report of all activity. It lets you access a record of each (trans)action, at any given moment. Users can also see the dynamics of spam attacks and useful comments. With the help of a mobile app, you can control and receive information about registrations/comments directly to your mobile device (available for iPad/iPhone and Android).

    Considering the amount of comment and registration plugins that are susceptible to spam attacks, by one means or another, CleanTalk becomes an important tool in provision of spam protection, and which is necessary for companies to keep in their arsenal.

    Forums and blogs without spam

    CleanTalk is a SaaS spam protection service for Web-sites. CleanTalk uses protection methods which are invisible for site visitors. Connecting to the service eliminates needs for CAPTCHA, questions and answers and other methods of protection, complicating the exchange of information on the site.

  • The new version of the anti-spam mod for SimpleMachinesForum

    The new version v1.20 improved spam protection, added anti-spam for guests posts and new members posts.

    Now you can do on the forum SMF guests topics that can write each visitor without registering on the forum. Not all the visitors who came to your forum want to go through the registration procedure for the sake of one or two posts, but your voting can express in an open topic.

    Despite the fact that the topic is open without registering on the forum, however, it is protected from spam bots and spam. Behavior parameters visitor or spam bot transmitted to the server anti-spam service CleanTalk, service evaluates them and decides, spam bot or a person.

    Spam check for new users is necessary in cases where an account on the forum registers an ordinary person, and then transferred to a spam bot account to send spam. Anti spam service CleanTalk exclude such an option on your forum. The first reports of new members undergo the same multi-stage spam filtering.

  • Spam filtration policy changes

    In the spam filter police for registrations/comments added changes, now if a request there are no data for multiple antispam tests, the requests considered as spam, the server returns response,

    *** User forbidden. Check plugin setup. Request number 412dfcd6925edac260874365f9f3fcf6. Antispam service ***

    Please do dummy registrations/comments with email st********@ex*****.com, you shouldn’t see plugin response as described agove.

  • CleanTalk Released an Application for the protection of MediaWiki Against Spam and Spam Bots

    CleanTalk Released an Application for the protection of MediaWiki Against Spam and Spam Bots

    CleanTalk completed the development application for the MediaWiki, to protect the site against spam and spam bots.

    This application allows users to quickly and easily connect to anti spam server CleanTalk. Its service provides 100% protection from spam bots for website administrators and a simple and convenient commentary/sign-up form for visitors.

    This application allows protection from automatically distributed spam, as well as from spam bots registrations. The protection method offered by CleanTalk allows users to switch from the methods that trouble the communication (CAPTCHA, question-answer etc.) to a more convenient one.

    CleanTalk saves time and resources spent on moderation and verification of questionable users or comments. Unnoticeable Protection from spam and registration forms, which does not require the visitor to prove who they are, increases the conversion in registration and is not annoying.

    CleanTalk is a cloud service, security module, installed on a website, which sends the behaviour parameters of the visitor or spam bot. These parameters are estimated, and the service makes a decision – to post a message or to define it as spam and reject.

    On the basis of such checks, the service forms its own list of email addresses used by spam bots. Likewise the registrations of visitors are checked. The service adds not only email addresses to the blacklist, but also IP addresses and domains of the websites that are promoted through spam mailout. The CleanTalk company developed unique algorithms to assess the behavior of the visitor, and with 100% accuracy we keep spam messages at bay. All of this happens automatically and requires no action from the administration of the website.

    The Company provides automatic spam protection services for popular CMS: WordPress, Joomla, phpBB, Drupal, DataLife Engine, IP Board, vBulletin, MediaWiki, SimpleMachinesForum and open API for PHP, Perl, Python, NET, Yii.

  • CleanTalk Released an Application for the Protection of Yii Framework Against Spam and Spam Bots

    CleanTalk Released an Application for the Protection of Yii Framework Against Spam and Spam Bots

    CleanTalk completed the development application for the Yii Framework, to protect the site against spam and spam bots.

    This application allows users to quickly and easily connect to anti spam server CleanTalk. Its service provides 100% protection from spam bots for website administrators and a simple and convenient commentary/sign-up form for visitors.

    This application allows protection from automatically distributed spam, as well as from spam bots registrations. The protection method offered by CleanTalk allows users to switch from the methods that trouble the communication (CAPTCHA, question-answer etc.) to a more convenient one.

    CleanTalk saves time and resources spent on moderation and verification of questionable users or comments. Unnoticeable Protection from spam and registration forms, which does not require the visitor to prove who they are, increases the conversion in registration and is not annoying.

    CleanTalk is a cloud service, security module, installed on a website, which sends the behaviour parameters of the visitor or spam bot. These parameters are estimated, and the service makes a decision – to post a message or to define it as spam and reject.

    On the basis of such checks, the service forms its own list of email addresses used by spam bots. Likewise the registrations of visitors are checked. The service adds not only email addresses to the blacklist, but also IP addresses and domains of the websites that are promoted through spam mailout. The CleanTalk company developed unique algorithms to assess the behavior of the visitor, and with 100% accuracy we keep spam messages at bay. All of this happens automatically and requires no action from the administration of the website.

    The Company provides automatic spam protection services for popular CMS: WordPress, Joomla, phpBB, Drupal, DataLife Engine, IP Board, vBulletin, MediaWiki, SimpleMachinesForum and open API for PHP, Perl, Python, NET.

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