Author: Anthony M

  • Check email and IP addresses with our new extension for Chrome

    Check email and IP addresses with our new extension for Chrome

    From now you can check public emails and IP addresses directly from your browser using our brand new extension for Google Chrome.

    The extension compares all the visible IP/email addresses on a web page with our spam database. Also, it checks an IP or Email address over the database of spam active addresses at The database contains up to 10 millions records with activity for past 30 days.

    It shows the history of spam attacks, amount of attacked websites, and a short description of the owner of an address.

    How to use the Extension in Chrome

    Step 1: Find the extension page here or go to Chrome web store and search for “CleanTalk”.

    Then press the “Add to Chrome” button.

    After that press “Continue to install”.

    And the “Add extension” button after that.

    Step 2: When ready, highlight and click your right mouse button on any email or IP address on a website and select “ lookup” line.

    That’s it! On the following page you can see all the detailed information about the IP or email address you’ve chosen.

  • How to stop spam on Joomla – Rapid Contact Forms

    How to stop spam on Joomla – Rapid Contact Forms

    CleanTalk added spam protection for Rapid Contact Forms using direct form integration. So if you prefer to use Rapid Contact Forms, be sure to use the most effective Anti-Spam plugin. Read the guide below and learn 8 steps to protect your forms from spam.

    Once the CleanTalk Anti-Spam plugin is installed it starts to protect all of the existing forms on your Joomla website. It may not only be contact forms but also contact forms and many others.

    Download CleanTalk Anti-Spam plugin | Download Rapid Contact Forms 

    How to install CleanTalk Anti-Spam plugin

    1. Make a backup of the site files and database.

    2. Download the Anti-Spam extension archive via link above.

    3. In the main Joomla menu open Extensions → Manage → Install.

    4. Click the «Browse for file» button to upload the archive.

    Joomla install

    5. After installation you will see a success message:

    Joomla success

    6. Go to plugin settings: Extensions → Plugins → Anti-Spam by CleanTalk. Enable the plugin and save settings.

    7. In plugin settings press «Get access key automatically» button. Admin email address will be used for registration. If you want to use another address click the button «Get access key manually». Fill in the easy registration form and you will receive your key.

    Joomla Anti-Spam settings

    8. Enter your Access key in its field, choose protection options and save settings.

    Anti-Spam settings

    That’s it! From now you know how to completely protect your Rapid Contact Forms from spam.

    How to check spam protection for Rapid Contact Forms

    You can test the work of Anti-Spam protection for your Rapid Contact Forms by using a test email s @ (without spaces). First, open the form in an Incognito browser tab. Fill in all the required form fields and send a form. After submitting the form, you will see a block message about the block on the form submission.

    If you have any questions, add a comment and we will be happy to help you.

    Create your CleanTalk account – Register now and protect your Rapid Contact Forms from spam in 5 minutes.


    The protection works only for website visitors, not for website admins. Be sure to test the form protection using Incognito mode.

    Additional features

    • CleanTalk protects all forms at once: comments, registrations, feedbacks, contacts, reviews.
    • Installation takes about 1-2 minutes.
    • Smart 99% protection against spambots.
    • Always online – 24/7 technical support.
    • Logs, SpamFireWall, personal lists, country filters, stop-words, and many others.

    Discover the complete list of CleanTalk Anti-Spam plugin features here.

  • Our client’s story: KDWELLNESSCO.COM

    Our client’s story: KDWELLNESSCO.COM

    We continue sharing our clients’ reviews and today’s story is brought to you by

    This plugin is amazing and so easy to use. I was getting 12-15 pieces of spam mail per day. CleanTalk reduced that to zero. So happy to have found this plugin. Thank you.

  • VirtueMart Forms – Spam Protection for Joomla

    VirtueMart Forms – Spam Protection for Joomla

    CleanTalk added VirtueMart Forms spam protection using direct form integration. So if you prefer to use VirtueMart Forms, be sure to use the most effective Anti-Spam plugin. Read the guide below and learn 8 steps to protect your VirtueMart Forms from spam.

    Once the CleanTalk Anti-Spam plugin is installed it starts to protect all of the existing forms on your Joomla website. It may not only be comment forms but also contact forms and many others.

    Download CleanTalk Anti-Spam plugin | Download VirtueMart Forms 

    How to install CleanTalk Anti-Spam plugin

    1. Make a backup of the site files and database.

    2. Download the Anti-Spam extension archive via link above.

    3. In the main Joomla menu open Extensions → Manage → Install.

    4. Click the «Browse for file» button to upload the archive.

    Joomla install

    5. After installation you will see a success message:

    Joomla success

    6. Go to plugin settings: Extensions → Plugins → Anti-Spam by CleanTalk. Enable the plugin and save settings.

    7. In plugin settings press «Get access key automatically» button. Admin email address will be used for registration. If you want to use another address click the button «Get access key manually». Fill in the easy registration form and you will receive your key.

    Joomla Anti-Spam settings

    8. Enter your Access key in its field, choose protection options and save settings.

    Anti-Spam settings

    That’s it! From now you know how to completely protect your VirtueMart Forms from spam.

    How to check spam protection for VirtueMart Forms

    You can test the work of Anti-Spam protection for your VirtueMart Forms by using a test email s @ (without spaces). First, open the form in an Incognito browser tab. Fill in all the required form fields and send a form. After submitting the form, you will see a block message about the block on the form submission.

    If you have any questions, add a comment and we will be happy to help you.

    Create your CleanTalk account – Register now and protect your VirtueMart Forms from spam in 5 minutes.


    The protection works only for website visitors, not for website admins. Be sure to test the form protection using Incognito mode.

    Additional features

    • CleanTalk protects all forms at once: comments, registrations, feedbacks, contacts, reviews.
    • Installation takes about 1-2 minutes.
    • Smart 99% protection against spambots.
    • Always online – 24/7 technical support.
    • Logs, SpamFireWall, personal lists, country filters, stop-words, and many others.

    Discover the complete list of CleanTalk Anti-Spam plugin features here.

  • How to stop spam on Joomla Standard Contact Form

    How to stop spam on Joomla Standard Contact Form

    CleanTalk added spam protection for standard contact forms for Joomla using direct form integration. So if you prefer to use standard Joomla forms, be sure to use the most effective Anti-Spam plugin. Read the guide below and learn 8 steps to protect your forms from spam.

    Once the CleanTalk Anti-Spam plugin is installed it starts to protect all of the existing forms on your Joomla website. It may not only be contact forms but also contact forms and many others.

    Download CleanTalk Anti-Spam plugin

    How to install CleanTalk Anti-Spam plugin

    1. Make a backup of the site files and database.

    2. Download the Anti-Spam extension archive via link above.

    3. In the main Joomla menu open Extensions → Manage → Install.

    4. Click the «Browse for file» button to upload the archive.

    Joomla install

    5. After installation you will see a success message:

    Joomla success

    6. Go to plugin settings: Extensions → Plugins → Anti-Spam by CleanTalk. Enable the plugin and save settings.

    7. In plugin settings press «Get access key automatically» button. Admin email address will be used for registration. If you want to use another address click the button «Get access key manually». Fill in the easy registration form and you will receive your key.

    Joomla Anti-Spam settings

    8. Enter your Access key in its field, choose protection options and save settings.

    Anti-Spam settings

    That’s it! From now you know how to completely protect your Standard Contact Forms for Joomla from spam.

    How to check spam protection for Standard Joomla Contact Forms

    You can test the work of Anti-Spam protection for your Standard Joomla Contact Forms by using a test email s @ (without spaces). First, open the form in an Incognito browser tab. Fill in all the required form fields and send a form. After submitting the form, you will see a block message about the block on the form submission.

    If you have any questions, add a comment and we will be happy to help you.

    Create your CleanTalk account – Register now and protect your Standard Joomla Contact Forms from spam in 5 minutes.


    The protection works only for website visitors, not for website admins. Be sure to test the form protection using Incognito mode.

    Additional features

    • CleanTalk protects all forms at once: comments, registrations, feedbacks, contacts, reviews.
    • Installation takes about 1-2 minutes.
    • Smart 99% protection against spambots.
    • Always online – 24/7 technical support.
    • Logs, SpamFireWall, personal lists, country filters, stop-words, and many others.

    Discover the complete list of CleanTalk Anti-Spam plugin features here.

  • SobiPro Forms – Spam Protection for Joomla

    SobiPro Forms – Spam Protection for Joomla

    CleanTalk added SobiPro Forms spam protection using direct form integration. So if you prefer to use SobiPro Forms, be sure to use the most effective Anti-Spam plugin. Read the guide below and learn 8 steps to protect your SobiPro Forms from spam.

    Once the CleanTalk Anti-Spam plugin is installed it starts to protect all of the existing forms on your Joomla website. It may not only be comment forms but also contact forms and many others.

    Download CleanTalk Anti-Spam plugin | Download SobiPro Forms 

    How to install CleanTalk Anti-Spam plugin

    1. Make a backup of the site files and database.

    2. Download the Anti-Spam extension archive via link above.

    3. In the main Joomla menu open Extensions → Manage → Install.

    4. Click the «Browse for file» button to upload the archive.

    Joomla install

    5. After installation you will see a success message:

    Joomla success

    6. Go to plugin settings: Extensions → Plugins → Anti-Spam by CleanTalk. Enable the plugin and save settings.

    7. In plugin settings press «Get access key automatically» button. Admin email address will be used for registration. If you want to use another address click the button «Get access key manually». Fill in the easy registration form and you will receive your key.

    Joomla Anti-Spam settings

    8. Enter your Access key in its field, choose protection options and save settings.

    Anti-Spam settings

    That’s it! From now you know how to completely protect your SobiPro Forms from spam.

    How to check spam protection for SobiPro Forms

    You can test the work of Anti-Spam protection for your SobiPro Forms by using a test email s @ (without spaces). First, open the form in an Incognito browser tab. Fill in all the required form fields and send a form. After submitting the form, you will see a block message about the block on the form submission.

    If you have any questions, add a comment and we will be happy to help you.

    Create your CleanTalk account – Register now and protect your SobiPro Forms from spam in 5 minutes.


    The protection works only for website visitors, not for website admins. Be sure to test the form protection using Incognito mode.

    Additional features

    • CleanTalk protects all forms at once: comments, registrations, feedbacks, contacts, reviews.
    • Installation takes about 1-2 minutes.
    • Smart 99% protection against spambots.
    • Always online – 24/7 technical support.
    • Logs, SpamFireWall, personal lists, country filters, stop-words, and many others.

    Discover the complete list of CleanTalk Anti-Spam plugin features here.

  • Vulnerability in the CleanTalk Anti-Spam plugin for WordPress

    Vulnerability in the CleanTalk Anti-Spam plugin for WordPress

    There was a slight vulnerability in the comment scanning interface. It was not very serious, since only the logged-in administrator could execute the malware. In other words, in order to exploit a vulnerability, you need access to a site with administrator privileges. And if an attacker has such access, then this makes this vulnerability irrelevant, because he obviously can add any malicious code without using any vulnerabilities. The vulnerability in the plugin interface can still be exploited in versions till 5.174.1.

    Anyway, we added the bugfix in the version 5.174.1 of Anti-Spam Plugin right after we got the message from WordPress Plugin Team. So from now on, all you have to do is to make sure, that your Anti-Spam Plugin is up-to-date. In case you use one of these previous versions, please be sure to update the plugin to the latest stable version as soon as you read this post using our special guide.

  • SP Page Builder – Spam Protection for Joomla

    SP Page Builder – Spam Protection for Joomla

    CleanTalk added SP Page Builder spam protection using direct form integration. So if you prefer to use SP Page Builder Forms, be sure to use the most effective Anti-Spam plugin. Read the guide below and learn 8 steps to protect your SP Page Builder Forms from spam.

    Once the CleanTalk Anti-Spam plugin is installed it starts to protect all of the existing forms on your Joomla website. It may not only be comment forms but also contact forms and many others.

    Download CleanTalk Anti-Spam plugin | Download SP Page Builder 

    How to install CleanTalk Anti-Spam plugin

    1. Make a backup of the site files and database.

    2. Download the Anti-Spam extension archive via link above.

    3. In the main Joomla menu open Extensions → Manage → Install.

    4. Click the «Browse for file» button to upload the archive.

    Joomla install

    5. After installation you will see a success message:

    Joomla success

    6. Go to plugin settings: Extensions → Plugins → Anti-Spam by CleanTalk. Enable the plugin and save settings.

    7. In plugin settings press «Get access key automatically» button. Admin email address will be used for registration. If you want to use another address click the button «Get access key manually». Fill in the easy registration form and you will receive your key.

    Joomla Anti-Spam settings

    8. Enter your Access key in its field, choose protection options and save settings.

    Anti-Spam settings

    That’s it! From now you know how to completely protect your SP Page Builder Forms from spam.

    How to check spam protection for SP Page Builder Forms

    You can test the work of Anti-Spam protection for your SP Page Builder Forms by using a test email s @ (without spaces). First, open the form in an Incognito browser tab. Fill in all the required form fields and send a form. After submitting the form, you will see a block message about the block on the form submission.

    If you have any questions, add a comment and we will be happy to help you.

    Create your CleanTalk account – Register now and protect your SP Page Builder Forms from spam in 5 minutes.


    The protection works only for website visitors, not for website admins. Be sure to test the form protection using Incognito mode.

    Additional features

    • CleanTalk protects all forms at once: comments, registrations, feedbacks, contacts, reviews.
    • Installation takes about 1-2 minutes.
    • Smart 99% protection against spambots.
    • Always online – 24/7 technical support.
    • Logs, SpamFireWall, personal lists, country filters, stop-words, and many others.

    Discover the complete list of CleanTalk Anti-Spam plugin features here.

  • Check your plugins and themes using CleanTalk Web Application FireWall (WAF)

    Check your plugins and themes using CleanTalk Web Application FireWall (WAF)

    From now the Security Plugin also grants your WordPress website the best malware protection. Malware can be sometimes uploaded via different themes and plugins. Using WAF is the best way to prevent your site from being infected.

    Download «Security & Malware scan» plugin

    To enable this option go to your Dashboard and choose Installed Plugins in Plugins menu.

    Then go to Settings below your Security Plugin.

    And check the “Check plugins and themes while uploading” checkbox.

    How to check WordPress plugin for Malware

    Step 1: Go to your WordPress Dashboard. Then go to Plugins and press Add new.

    Step 2: Click on the Upload Plugin button.

    Step 3: Then choose your Plugin (it should be compressed to .ZIP file). After that just press Install now and let WAF do the rest.

    Step 4: Wait until the Security Plugin finishes the malware scan of your plugin. If you see INFECTED or Plugin installation failed messages – it means that Malware has been found and the Plugin you uploaded may be infected.

    And in case you see a success message – feel free to use the Plugin.

    How to check WordPress Theme for Malware

    Step 1: Go to your WordPress Dashboard. Press the Appearance button and on the next page press Add new.

    Step 2: Click on the Upload Theme button. Then choose your Theme (it should be compressed to .ZIP file). Then just press Install now and let the Plugin do the rest.

    After antivirus scan, the Plugin will display a message with the check results. If you see INFECTED or Theme installation failed messages – it means that Malware has been found and the theme you uploaded may be infected.

    So in that case the installation will be interrupted and your website will remain safe. After malware removal, the theme may be uploaded again.

    You can create your own CleanTalk account to see the security status of your website, add new websites or manage existing ones!

    Create an account

  • RSForm!Pro – Spam Protection for Joomla

    RSForm!Pro – Spam Protection for Joomla

    CleanTalk added RSForm!Pro spam protection using direct form integration. So if you prefer to use RSForm!Pro be sure to use the most effective Anti-Spam plugin. Read the guide below and learn 8 steps to protect your RSForm!Pro from spam.

    Once the CleanTalk Anti-Spam plugin is installed it starts to protect all of the existing forms on your Joomla website. It may not only be comment forms but also contact forms and many others.

    Download CleanTalk Anti-Spam plugin | Download RSForm!Pro 

    How to install CleanTalk Anti-Spam plugin

    1. Make a backup of the site files and database.

    2. Download the Anti-Spam extension archive via link above.

    3. In the main Joomla menu open Extensions → Manage → Install.

    4. Click the «Browse for file» button to upload the archive.

    Joomla install

    5. After installation you will see a success message:

    Joomla success

    6. Go to plugin settings: Extensions → Plugins → Anti-Spam by CleanTalk. Enable the plugin and save settings.

    7. In plugin settings press «Get access key automatically» button. Admin email address will be used for registration. If you want to use another address click the button «Get access key manually». Fill in the easy registration form and you will receive your key.

    Joomla Anti-Spam settings

    8. Enter your Access key in its field, choose protection options and save settings.

    Anti-Spam settings

    That’s it! From now you know how to completely protect your RSForm!Pro from spam.

    How to check spam protection for RSForm!Pro

    You can test the work of Anti-Spam protection for your RSForm!Pro by using a test email s @ (without spaces). First, open the form in an Incognito browser tab. Fill in all the required form fields and send a form. After submitting the form, you will see a block message about the block on the form submission.

    If you have any questions, add a comment and we will be happy to help you.

    Create your CleanTalk account – Register now and protect your RSForm!Pro from spam in 5 minutes.


    The protection works only for website visitors, not for website admins. Be sure to test the form protection using Incognito mode.

    Additional features

    • CleanTalk protects all forms at once: comments, registrations, feedbacks, contacts, reviews.
    • Installation takes about 1-2 minutes.
    • Smart 99% protection against spambots.
    • Always online – 24/7 technical support.
    • Logs, SpamFireWall, personal lists, country filters, stop-words, and many others.

    Discover the complete list of CleanTalk Anti-Spam plugin features here.