Author: Alexander

  • Additional factors for estimating spam activity of IP/Email addresses in Anti-Spam/Anti-Fraud API

    Cloud Anti-Spam by CleanTalk in the process collects data on spam activity of IP/Email addresses. On the basis of these data, a database of spam IP/email is formed. CleanTalk provides several API methods for working with the data we have.

    We have recently added new parameters to the spam activity test method and launched two new API methods:

    • the first is getting the country code letter by IP address
    • the second – checking domain for participation in spam mailings

    But about everything in order.

    Get the country code letter by IP address.

    This API method returns a two-letter country code (US, UK, CN, etc.) or the full name of Russia by IP address. Read more on the use of the method ip_info.

    Checking the domain to participate in spam mailings.

    Allows you to check whether this domain has been used in spam mailings. At this point in CleanTalk database contains records of 383 1 062 domains.

    For example, you have a comment, it is on the topic of the article, with a very meaningful text and does not raise suspicions, but contains a link to a third-party site. We check the links and get that the domain is listed in the database, the links were posted on other websites and the date of their placement approximately coincides with the date of the comment. It turns out that the comment was used to place a link to a third-party resource.

    Using this method is useful when recognizing manual spam when all other checks are completed.

    You can check the blacklist manually on the website

    Read more on the use of the method backlinks_check.

    Update the spam_check method.

    Method allows you to bulk check IP/email against a database of blacklists CleanTalk. At the moment the database contains records about 2 808 344 IP and 990 835 Email. Also, the method allows you to make an IP check for a specific date.

    In addition to the main parameter, as a result of the issuance, showing the presence or absence in the database, additional parameters have been added:

    spam_rate – spam activity rating from 0 to 100%. The parameter is calculated for each IP or email record as the ratio of blocked requests to the total number of requests from a given IP or email. As an example, IP has a total of 100 requests, of which the service blocked 97 requests as spam, so spam_rate will be 97%.

    Why this is important, it gives you the ability to set your own request blocking logic. As the spammers change the IP and at the moment it can be a regular user.

    Following parameter:

    Each parameter shows the activity of the data being checked for the last 10 minutes, 1 hour and 24 hours, respectively. That is, it shows the number of requests for a specific time from a specific IP or email. This is useful in cases where IP or email does not yet have BlackListed status in the database, but has a fairly high activity in a short time. About what other parameters you can use to protect against spam, you can read in our previous articles:

    Non-visual methods of protecting the site from spam Part 1

    Non-visual methods of protecting the site from spam Part 2

    Non-visual methods of protecting the site from spam Part 3

    Example of output of API data for test email *@cl*******.org. This email is for tests, so the “updated” parameter: “2019-03-28 22:07:19” is the date.

                          "updated":"2019-03-28 22:07:19",

    Learn more about using the spam_check method.

  • Auto-Update for CleanTalk Security Plugin

    We recently launched an auto-update for the anti-spam plugin. The experience was positive and we implemented auto-update for the security plugin as well.

    For the convenience of service management, the auto-update option was implemented in the Service Control Panel. CleanTalk Dashboard allows you to select several websites and update the plugin at once on all sites one click or you can setup auto-update for all websites or separate websites.

    Note: there is 24 hours delay before auto-update will do. This delay allows needing to avoid any issues. All updates that made through CleanTalk Dashboard manually will do immediately.

    How does it work?

    • Manual update on all or selected websites at once.
    • Auto-update on all or selected websites at once.


    Please, go to your CleanTalk Dashboard.

    • Choose a website that needs to update the plugin.
    • Click on the link Update app.
    • Next step, in pop-up you can choose:
      do a manual update and the plugin will be updated immediately. You can do this action for all websites
      set auto-update, in the next time plugin will be updated automatically.


    Next, when clicking on a link, a modal window opens with options for updates.

    When the option is selected, the server makes a special request to the plugin on the client’s site.

    The plugin, having received the call, checks the parameters of the call for authenticity and starts work. Auto-update is implemented through a modified class of auto-update plugins WordPress. After the class is finished, the plugin checks the version of the updated files and makes a request to the site (itself). If the HTTP response code is 200, it reports this to the server by displaying it on the “OK” page and makes a special API call, reporting on the new version. If the response code is different from 200, the plugin does a rollback of the files to the previous version and responds north with a string with an error code and technical parameters.

    After a successful update, the status in the Service Control Panel changes to “App has been updated”.

  • Automating CleanTalk Anti-Spam Updates for WordPress

    Automating CleanTalk Anti-Spam Updates for WordPress

    If you serve a couple of sites, then updating the plugins does not cause any difficulties. Difficulties appear if you serve a few dozen, or even hundreds of sites.

    CleanTalk Anti-spam requires frequent updates (we have to release a new version every 1-2 weeks), there are many reasons for this.

    WordPress, as a designer, has a huge number of plugins, themes, widgets, etc. which are not always designed with WordPress Codex, have different architecture and event handling. Therefore, CleanTalk integration errors can occur with different components, especially rare ones.

    Each complex service that uses a large amount of data, changes backend, changes in logic and a lot of the rest, require changes in the plugin.

    At our update rates for the plugin, the auto-update option is required. If this option is done in the plugin’s settings, then the user will still need to go to each site in the plugin’s settings and install it. But what to do in a situation where the user does not want to include auto-update, but you need to update the plug-in immediately on one hundred sites?

    For the convenience of service management, the auto-update option was implemented in the Service Control Panel.

    Auto-update allows you to update the plugin one time at a single site, a group of sites, or enable auto-update on all sites.

    How it works

    Historically, we are monitoring the client version of the plugin, and when clients are contacted and feedback analysis, we need to know the version of the plugin that is being used. Each anti-spam plugin, with each request, sends its version in the parameters. The version number is compared with the number in the repository, and if the versions are different, then in the Control Panel we show a warning about the need for an update.

    Next, when clicking on a link, a modal window opens with options for updates.

    When the option is selected, the server makes a special request to the plugin on the client’s site.

    The plugin, having received the call, checks the parameters of the call for authenticity and starts work. Auto-update is implemented through a modified class of auto-update plugins WordPress. After the class is finished, the plugin checks the version of the updated files and makes a request to the site (itself). If the HTTP response code is 200, it reports this to the server by displaying it on the “OK” page and makes a special API call, reporting on the new version. If the response code is different from 200, the plugin does a rollback of the files to the previous version and responds north with a string with an error code and technical parameters.

    After a successful update, the status in the Service Control Panel changes to “App has been updated”.

    How to set up an auto-update

    Please, go to your CleanTalk Dashboard.

    • Choose a website that needs to update the plugin.
    • Click on the link Update app.
    • Next step, in pop-up you can choose:
      do a manual update and the plugin will be updated immediately. You can do this action for all websites
      set auto-update, in the next time plugin will be updated automatically.
  • CleanTalk, the launch of WordPress security

    While developing the Anti-Spam service, we often encounter other issues related to the security of websites. The most common questions were about brute force attacks. In addition to problems with the selection of passwords for the administrator account, often brute force attacks cause a high load on the server, and users receive notification from the hosting about exceeding the allowed load values for the processor.

    We thought if we are receiving such requests, why don’t we solve them? Since tasks relate to security functions, the decision to launch a separate security service was obvious.

    At the moment, the Security service is developed only under WordPress, there are several reasons for this: the greatest demand, a large number of websites use this particular CMS, the complexity of the development of several CMS.

    Despite the fact that anti-spam protection is a part of security, we decided to split these two services. There are several reasons for this:

    1. Complication of the plugin, which leads to increased errors, compatibility issues with other plugins/themes
    2. Promotion by search queries
    3. Easier development and independent release of updates
    4. The interface of the plugin is not complicated by a bunch of additional options that are not needed if the user uses only one function
    5. A separate management interface and logging in the control panel CleanTalk

    We decided to start with the implementation of protection against brute force attacks and further gradually expand the functionality.

    Protection from brute force attacks – implemented by adding delays between incorrect authorization attempts. A delay of 3 seconds is set for the first attempts, for a subsequent one in 10 seconds. If there were 10 unsuccessful attempts of authorization within an hour, the IP address will be added to the FireWall database for 24 hours. To protect against hackers trying to find a password for your account, this is enough, since they significantly increase the time between attempts, and they can be tens or hundreds of thousands. All logs of access attempts are available in the weekly report and in the service control panel, which allows you to quickly add IP addresses to the FireWall blacklist. Protection against brute force attacks extends only to users with administrator rights.

    Traffic control – allows you to view information about visitors, such as:

    • IP
    • Country
    • Date/time of the last query
    • The number of allowed/blocked HTTP requests
    • Status-banned or allowed
    • The URL of the page visit
    • User Agent

    Another option in traffic Control — “Block visitor if the number of requests is greater than” – blocks access to the site for any IP that exceeds the number of HTTP requests per hour. The number of requests can be set in the settings, the default is 1000. If the IP is exceeded, the Firewall will be added to the Blacklist for 24 hours.

    This will help solve the problem of DoS attacks on the site when a large number of HTTP requests are sent to the site, because of which it stops responding or starts to work very slowly. This situation is possible because of a massive brute force attack.

    Audit log – allows you to monitor the actions of users in the admin WordPress, keeps a log of visits to pages with the date/time and length of stay. Allows you to monitor the actions of administrators and unauthorized access and in case of problems to understand where by whom and what changes have been made.

    Malware Scanner – scans WordPress files, plugins and themes for malicious code and changes. If the changes in the files were made illegally, it allows you to restore the original files.

    Automatic scanning takes place every 24 hours, and you can also start it manually.

    Security FireWall – blocks access to the site for POST/GET requests by IP addresses. Base IP addresses for the FireWall is generated from our database of blacklists CleanTalk. It is possible to get IP addresses that have a high spam activity or was seen in attempts brute force attacks. It is possible to use their own blacklists, both for individual IP addresses/subnets and by country. Due to this, it is possible to reduce the load on the website or to block a DOS attack.

    Ready to release:

    • outbound link scanner
    • checking links against a database of domains that are promoted with spam
    • protection from XSS and SQL injections

    Development notes

    Everything was written from scratch, not peeking at other solutions. This was done specifically to not to pick up other people’s mistakes and to develop your own vision for the application.

    Further development for other CMS is planned, so it was decided to develop a modular design. Use an object-oriented approach and everything like that. Of course, in the process had to solve various problems that do not fit into this concept and did not do without a workaround.

    As a result, there are several classes that without significant improvements can be used on other CMS (including self-recording), using a couple of wraps, for example for the database.

    Was written our own class Cron is not dependent on Cron WordPress. Still, the application for security and should not rely on functionality that may or may not work, or which may interfere with the work of third-party developers.

    To implement heuristic code analysis, we have written our own code minimizer parser, which will continue to develop. With it, you can track dangerous variables, functions, constructions. Not sure if other plugins/anti-viruses/applications use similar solutions (probably not), but this pros and cons of independent development, our approach may have turned out unique.

    Example of the “minimizer”:

    Source code:

    	//$some = 'n'.'o'.'t'
    	$some = 's'.'o'.'m'.'e'; // String concatenation
    	$stuff = 'stuff';
    	$first = 'first';
    	$func = 'func';
    	$first_func = $some."$first$func"; // Variable replacement
    $some = 'n'.'o'.'t';
    	// Variable replacement
    	$i = 'i';
    	$c = 'c';
    	$o = 'o';
    	$co = $c.
    	// some obfuscating comment
    	$ico = $i/* some obfuscating comment */.$co;


    <?php $some='some';$stuff='stuff';$first='first';$func='func';$first_func='somefirstfunc';$i='i';$c='c';$o='o';$co='co';$ico='ico';require'some_stuff.ico';require'some_stuff.php';require'some_stuff.pico';somefirstfunc();?>

    If you bring in a more understandable form:


    Some things that it can do: do concatenation, substitute variables, track the origin of variables (let’s say if they use unreliable $ _POST and $ _GET), track and check the file connections (include, require) for various parameters and much more. We can say that this is the basis on which the functional will be added.

    Especially I did not like to support WPMS, because for each functional I had to make exceptions taking into account whether the main site is this, whether the user of the secondary site inherits the key from the main site or enters his own access key, whether the secondary site allowed to activate plug-ins and the like. Unfortunately, we had to remove part of the functionality for WPMS and secondary sites due to non-compatibility.

    In general, it turned out a beautiful application in places from the point of view of the code, which we will develop in the future.

    The plugin itself can be found in the directory.

  • 5 new anti-spam plugins from CleanTalk

    We continue blogging about our work and will talk about our work in it. To begin with, that will tell you about what we have done in 2017. Over the past year, we have developed several anti-spam modules for CMS, which I will describe in more detail.

    Why modules and not the API. First, they allow users to quickly and easily connect to the service. Second, not all users have the knowledge to connect the API. Third, the modules have a management interface, which makes it easier to use.

    A little about the service itself: CleanTalk is a cloud-based service to protect websites from spam, provides a simple and convenient form of comment/registration for visitors, which will not require the visitor to prove that he/she is a person that saves time and resources spent on moderation and verification of questionable users or comments. All requests are stored in the cloud, including blocked ones, which helps to prevent data loss.

    Additional features: SpamFireWall – “soft” blocking of POST and GET requests over IP and subnet masks (soft – if the user was mistakenly added, then after 1 second will be redirected to the page of the site).

    How it works: The anti-spam module installed on the website transmits the behavior parameters of the visitor, browser, IP / email and message text. These parameters are evaluated and the service decides whether to post the message or define it as spam and reject it. Based on these checks, the service creates its own list of IP / Email addresses used by spambots. In the blacklist are added not only to IP / Email, but also domains sites promoted through spam. All this happens automatically and does not require any action from the site administration.

    MODX Anti-Spam Plugin

    The module was developed at the request of several clients and provides protection from spam for registrations, comments, feedback forms.

    For the development of MODX, there is a fairly good documentation. For those who start developing and getting acquainted with MODX for the first time, it would be useful to add an example of creating the first simplest plugin (build your own first plugin) to the documentation, which greatly simplifies the process. The development process itself took 3-4 days, together with related tasks.

    Adding the module to the official catalog did not cause any difficulties, everything was quite simple and understandable. Moderation took about a week after sending the module, waited 5-6 days and wrote to the technical support to find out at what stage and how long to wait, and the next day the module was published. It is not known whether this is due to treatment or not.

    MyBB Anti-Spam Plugin

    There are no problems with the documentation, everything is clear and there are no questions. The same with the development.

    With the placement in the catalog, it is more difficult, it is necessary to understand the interface – it is not very convenient, but the worst thing is moderation of new plugins. Having sent the module for moderation in June 2017, we are still waiting for it to be published in the catalog. In general, the situation is similar to the directory phpBB, there also have to wait for months.

    We decided to follow the advice of one of the users and create a topic on the forum, in the plugins section, added a description, links to the module.

    OpenCart Anti-Spam Plugin

    With documentation for development under this CMS, there are problems, it almost is not present. Good documentation was found here, for which many thanks to the compilers. To develop, you need vQmod and understanding MVC. In the rest, there is nothing complicated.

    Quite a convenient interface for the marketplace, everything is clear and fast. Complexities with the addition did not arise.

    XenForo 2 Anti-Spam Plugin

    As for the developer documentation, even though XF2 is still a beta version, the documentation for it is one of the best. There were no difficulties with the development. The only thing is not entirely clear why automatic hash file creation (hashes.json) is done when the plugin is loaded and in the end each time you have to manually do this by the command.

    The interface of the marketplace is convenient. There is no plugin moderation before publishing, plugins are moderated after you publish the plugin. This is probably not very convenient, as the version may contain errors, while the plugin will have time to download. By our first version, we have received code comments and a notification that if we do not resolve, the plugin will be removed from the directory.

    Universal Anti-Spam Plugin

    Since the number of requests to connect the service to not very popular CMS is stable, besides, we regularly receive requests using the API integration. Since it will be expensive to develop each time a separate module, it was decided to make a universal plugin. Universal Anti-Spam plugin can be installed on any custom websites, content management systems and frameworks. If the user has no programming experience to connect the API to the site, this will be the best solution for protecting the site from spam.

    How it works?

    The CleanTalk installer adds its code to the index.php file. When the visitor fills in and submits the form, the plugin intercepts the form data and finds the email, the message itself and adds some other parameters to them and sends them to the CleanTalk cloud, except when the form has been found banned for sending data (they are stitched into the plugin and can not changed). After receiving a response from the server, the plugin skips or forbids further execution (displaying a message about the reasons for the lock).

    After analyzing the parameters sent, CleanTalk servers decide whether the request should be blocked or allowed. Since the universal CleanTalk libraries were used in writing, it was necessary to organize only the installation and interception of forms. To be honest, we had to rewrite the libraries so that they worked on pure PHP and add exceptions for some fields, such as registering or recovering passwords or paying with cards.

    For each client’s request, we do a test with its CMS, complementing the plugin to work specifically with this CMS. Therefore, at the moment we do not want to make new plugins, as it entails overhead costs in the form of loss of time to support versions up to date.

    The plugins themselves:





    Universal plugin

    At the moment, we do not plan to expand the range of plugins, only support and development of the current functionality. We hope that the universal plugin will be able to close these gaps, as it is easier to modify one plugin than to do each time a new one.

  • Spam attack on the CleanTalk Service

    Good day!

    We must inform you that some days ago we have been attacked by spam on our service. Spammers used species emails xx**@cl*******.org to send spam comments/registrations / subscriptions. At the moment, the attack affected about 4,000 websites. This is not the first such attack on our service, just a couple of weeks ago we faced with a DDoS attack, which we are pretty well blocked.


    A little add the message to avoid misunderstandings.

    It was not a spam via SMTP and the substitution of the sender’s address. This spam is caused by the fact that spammers use your public email for subscriptions to news and stuff on other websites.

    The problem is actually much wider, we are a small company and we have not caused any difficulties. But for large companies, which business is tied to e-mail, receiving orders for example?

    Let’s say John Doe took for the example online shop, took them the email address for type orders or***@ex*****.com and signed up with this address on 10,000 newsletters at different sites. Every day, this address will be sent news and other mailings, the work of the sales department in this store can be significantly slowed down and cause losses for business, including reputation ones.

    There are several problems here:

    1. Websites are poorly protected from spam.
    2. The company may have problems because it starts receiving a lot of messages.
    3. Reputation losses. Site owners see spam from you, the visitors of websites can see spam from you.

    What do you think, how we can avoid it?

  • How to check outbound links, why it is important?

    Every business, be it a well-established one or a startup, is looking for ways to enhance and improve its online ranking. For doing so, outbound links play a vital and important role just as the inbound links. The outbound links should be controlled so as to have an effective on-site SEO strategy for the business’s website. Let us take a dip in the details of outbound links and know why they are important for the growth of the business.

    What does outbound links mean?

    Outbound links are links to a site which is outside your site. The outbound links are such links that direct the visitors to another or a different webpage or website. In simpler words, when the visitor clicks on the outbound links available on your site, it means that the visitor is going to another website by moving out of your present site. However, if facts are to be believed, most of the websites, if not all of them, contain outbound links. There are two main types of outbound links:

    1. Dofollow Link: it is the normal default link that every link is. It aims at passing the benefits of Google Page Rank from the source webpage to the linked targeted webpage. The Dofollow tag indicates that the link should be followed for a better enhancement in the value of the website and web pages.
    2. Nofollow Link: these are just the opposite of Dofollow links. These are abnormal links which instead of passing the benefits of Google Page Rank to the linked targeted webpage, blocks the normal flow of the page rank.

    While there are many websites which prefer using outbound links on their websites, there are many which do not prefer making use of the outbound links on their websites. The websites that support the presence of outbound links believe that having such links will enhance the value of their site along with encouraging visitor retention. On the other hand, the websites which are not in favor of using outbound links consider it as a huge risk for the business because of the higher cost of customer acquisition.
    Should outbound links be used? If this is the next immediate thought that you had after learning about the concept of outbound links, then here’s something that will convince you completely.

    What are the benefits of having good outbound links?

    There has always been a debate whether to use or not to use the outbound links on the website. While many of the websites do not prefer using outbound links on their websites as they scare a number of factors such as:

    • Reputation damage
    • High cost
    • Creation of exit portals
    • Downfall in the search engine rankings

    But to a surprise and to the contrary of all the above-mentioned points, it has been observed that the use of outbound links on the website is actually beneficial for the website. Let us have a look at the benefits that the relevant outbound links can provide to your website:

    1. Useful resource: Adding relevant and specific outbound links to your website makes it as a useful resource for the visitors. The people who will visit your visit for some relevant content will always find something new, interesting and relevant as per their likes and preference. This indeed will help in increasing the customer retention along with reducing the bounce rate of the website. Consider it in such a way that by using the outbound links on your website you are actually providing your readers and visitors with more relevant and specific information. When readers will find something of their benefit and interest on your website, they will surely come back.
    2. Improvement in your website’s SEO: Connecting with the relevant people in the industry and adding outbound links that can help you connect with them is a great way to improve the SEO context of your website. As the inbound links help the readers to land on your website, the effective use of outbound links on your website also gets noticed and in turn rewarded. Moreover, the addition of useful outbound links on the website helps in making your website to be counted as useful amongst the many available websites and thus helps in attracting more users towards it. If you are not using outbound links on your website, you are certainly missing many benefits for your website.
    3. Google ranking: It is just not the users, customers or the visitors who appreciate and notice the use of outbound links on your website. Google, the well-known and the most trusted search engine also does. If your website mentions relevant and specific outbound links, Google appreciates this and thereby improves your website’s ranking. Google when notice that you are mentioning some of the great websites on your own website as outbound links and are working on improving your visibility, it makes sure that you get the best of the benefits of your efforts. You just need to be sure that you are being connected with those websites which hold some relevance to your business and are well-known amongst the users.
    4. Positive reviews: Having positive reviews highlighted on the website is one of the effective ways that can bring in better business results and opportunities. Though earlier it was not considered as important as it is today. The present times have indicated that most of the new visitor on your website trust on the reviews mentioned by the previous visitors. Thus, if you have relevant reviews on your website, you are improving the chances of your business to perform better. But how can you get positive reviews and feedback from the visitors? Simply, by providing them with the relevant information and resource that can excite them and capture their interest. Outbound links can be the easiest way of doing so. Update outbound links according to the audience type you have and open an immense pool of opportunity for your business to grow amongst the competitive business environment.
    5. Attracting more traffic: What does a website need to improve its business? Some would say attractive designed website while some will favor the effective use of well-planned marketing strategies. But above all, a website which is looking to grow itself in the online world would need better and improved traffic of visitors. If the website is not getting any traffic then even the use of best of designs and strategies will not help. Thus, attracting better and relevant amount of traffic is the only need that the website has for growing itself in the market. Outbound links are the best way to attract advanced traffic on the website as it helps in making your website a more and better useful resource for the visitors and users.

    What can be the consequences of bad outbound links?

    There are many websites that are totally in the favor of using outbound links on their websites. Without a doubt, adding a relevant and useful outbound link can do wonders for your business and help it to grow its reach in the online world with an optimized SEO. But, if the other side of the coin is analyzed, the use of too many or irrelevant outbound links can cause severe consequences to your website. Some of the experts have observed that the use of too many outbound links does not harm the homepage but it certainly causes a big difference on the internal pages linked.

    The major consequence that the use of risky or a bad outbound link delivers to the user is the risk of having a virus. Also, the bad outbound link can result in imitating the data of the user by some spammer. Some of the outbound links are so made that whenever anyone clicks on the link, the user data gets attacked by the viruses attached with the link. Such kinds of virus infected outbound links are present in the comment sections generally. As moderators forget checking the genuineness of these links, the sites have to suffer. That’s why you always need to put constraint on comment box.

    Moreover, adding too many outbound links on your website will actually affect the Google ranking of your website. Google will consider the source website hosting too many outbound links as fraud or spam website and thus will decrease its ranking in its list. Sometimes, the impact is so severe that the website gets blocked. Some of the other consequences that a bad outbound link will do to your website are as follow:

    • Creating too much confusion for your audience
    • Not being able to target a specific set of audience
    • Increased server load
    • Affecting the speed of your website
    • Chances of being considered as spam

    How to check outbound links?

    Checking the outbound links for their strength and relevance is very much important for marking success in the business. Now that you all are aware of the consequences that your business may suffer if you are not using relevant and useful outbound links, you would be interested in knowing how you can check the outbound links that you have used. One of the easiest ways of doing so is by using the security and malware scan by CleanTalk and if you question why CleanTalk, then the one word answer to this can be because it is Simple.

    CleanTalk is a well-known and useful security plugin which is working compatibility with the service of checking the relevance of outbound links on the premium cloud. In other words, CleanTalk is a cloud-based solution that prevents the use of irrelevant outbound links on your website based on WordPress. Over the time, CleanTalk has been adding relevant updates for its effective working.

    Working of the CleanTalk:

    The main aim of using CleanTalk is to let you know about the irrelevant and risky outbound links on your website.

    Setting up the plugin:

    Here are the following steps that you need to follow for making the use of CleanTalk plugin:

    1. For using the plugin of CleanTalk, first, the users need to create an account on their official website.
    2. Creating an account on their website will provide the users with an access key which will be used for accessing the features of the plugin.
    3. Download the plugin and configure it for using the plugin on your device. You would have to enter the access key while configuring the plugin
    4. Once you enter the access key, you will be able to access all the offered features of the plugin and thereby can check and prevent the outbound links on your website
    5. To launch External Links Check go to the tab “Malware Scanner” and press the button “Perform Scan”. First step in the scanning is searching for malware in WordPress files, second step is searching for links in your whole website including theme files, posts and comments.

    The result of the scanning will be the list of each link you have. You can look it through and decide what links are unnecessary and delete them.

    CleanTalk can also be used for observing the progress of your website after the use of this plugin. The plugin will demonstrate every required site security log with the needed detail so that the user can be well aware of the required stats regarding the use of outbound links.


    In conclusion, CleanTalk works really well on all the fronts that are needed by a business for successfully running its operations. The activation and use of this plugin from CleanTalk are extremely simple and is worth making the investment. If you are facing many problems because of the high rate of risky outbound links on your website, then CleanTalk is one of the high recommendations that you can use.

  • Auto-Update for CleanTalk Anti-Spam Plugin

    Updating plugins and themes on the site can be a problem for website owners. This is especially true for webmasters who support several websites, you have to go to every website and make an update, and it takes your time. We have released an update that will perform this routine task and will update CleanTalk Anti-Spam on all sites at once.

    CleanTalk Dashboard allows you to select several websites and update the plugin at once on all sites one click or you can setup auto-update for all websites or separate websites.
    Note: there is 24 hours delay before auto-update will do. This delay allows needing to avoid any issues. All updates that made through CleanTalk Dashboard manually will do immediately.

    How does it work?

    • Manual update on all or selected websites at once.
    • Auto-update on all or selected websites at once.

    Please, go to your CleanTalk Dashboard.

    • Choose a website that needs to update the plugin.
    • Click on the link Update app.
    • Next step, in pop-up you can choose:
      do a manual update and the plugin will be updated immediately. You can do this action for all websites
      set auto-update, in the next time plugin will be updated automatically.

    In the end, enjoy you saved your time.

    Auto-updating system will work from CleanTalk Anti-Spam version 5.88

  • Spammers attack by using CleanTalk’s email

    We have to inform you that today we have been attacked by spammers who used our email for sending spam comments/registrations/subscriptions. At the moment, a total of about 4,000 websites were affected.
  • Checking Outbound Links with CleanTalk Security

    Checking Outbound Links with CleanTalk Security

    Outbound links have an effect on your SEO and when search crawls your web pages all of the outbound links may be an important thing for page ranking.

    We have added the option “Scan outbound links” in our WordPress Security Plugin.

    This option allows you to let know the number of outgoing links from your website and websites on which they linking to. All websites will be checked by our Database and will show results if they were used as links in spam messages. It allows you to check your website and find hidden links or spam links.

    You should always remember if you have links to other websites which have a bad reputation, it will be able to have an effect your on visitor’s trust and your SEO.

    To launch External Links Check go to your WordPress admin panel -> Settings -> Security by CleanTalk -> General Settings and pick Scan Links option. Next step, go to the tab “Malware Scanner” and press the button “Perform Scan”.

    The first step in the scanning is searching for malware in WordPress files, the second step is searching for links in your whole website including theme files, posts, and comments.

    The result of the scanning will be the list of each link you have. You can look it through and decide what links are unnecessary and delete them.