We released the first version of anti spam extensions CleanTalk for phpBB 3.1. The extension protects phpBB 3.1 from registration spam bots, spam posts and new spam topics on the board.
The full list of features
- Protection from spam bots registrations.
- Protection from spam bots topics and posts.
- Filtering by the user groups Guests and New users.
- Filtering posts by “stop words”.
The extension is compatible with phpBB version 3.1.1 and above.
Setup manual anti spam extension CleanTalk for phpBB 3.1.
Download the extension cleantalk-antispam-4.2.zip.
Anti spam extension for phpBB 3.1 ready
Isn’t possible to remove already registered spammy user in phpbb?
on the Cleantalk wordpress version you are doing it amazing.
The Real Person!
The Real Person!
Sure, try this beta of CleanTalk v4.3,
In plugin settings,
Admin backend -> Extensions -> Anti-spam by CleanTalk
You will find an option to check registered accounts over our database and remove spam accounts.
Please let us know if you have any questions.