Additional Services of CleanTalk Anti-Spam in Demand


This article is about our extra services that are in the most demand among the clients of CleanTalk Anti-Spam. The Personal Lists feature (by IP and email addresses) does not count in this review as it’s not an extra feature, it is included in the basic package of the service.

Extra Package expands the service features and offers other options if you need them. The features included in the Extra Package are not necessary for all of our clients, therefore, the price of the Anti-Spam service stays unchanged for all of our clients and the features might be chosen to be used only by those clients who really need them.

  1. The most popular extra feature is Blocking by Country. Adding a country to the Anti-Spam blacklist allows to block comments, signups and other data from any website forms from the IP addresses that are being considered as a part of the blacklisted country. Keep in mind that only submitted data to the website forms will be blocked, not visiting the website, people still be able to visit your website from the blacklisted countries.
    Read more about Blocking by Country.

  2. The second most popular extra feature is Stop-Words. Stop-Words block messages that contain any word you added to your Personal Lists. It allows blocking messages containing profanity, obscene language and strengthening the Anti-Spam protection from manual spam by adding specific words to your Stop-Words list. Read more about Stop-Words.

  3. Blocking by Countries in SpamFireWall (SFW) takes the third place among popular extra features. The feature blocks access to the website for bots while a normal visitor is able to open any website pages as usual. Each IP address of the blacklisted country will be forbidden to visit your website by the SFW screens, each initial website page load will trigger the SFW check for bots. Normal visitors are able to pass the SFW screens and load the website pages and later on the SFW screens will not disturb them. Meanwhile, bots that fail the SFW check will always get the SFW screens and never visit your website. Read more about Blocking by Countries in SpamFireWall.

  4. The fourth place is taken by the feature of blacklisting domains. When mail domains are added to your Personal Lists all data submitted to your website forms containing the blacklisted domains will be blocked. Read more about blacklisting domains.

  5. Blocking by Language is on the fifth place. All messages in the chosen languages will be blocked when you add these languages to your Personal Lists. At the moment we offer the following languages:

    Read more about Blocking by Language.

We hope that this article gives you a good hint about useful extra features for tuning your Anti-Spam license to be more convenient and functional for you.
We will be happy to answer your questions and comments.


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