Tag: Anti-Spam Plugins

  • Access key rotation for Anti-Spam and Security

    Access key rotation for Anti-Spam and Security

    In case your website is connected to CleanTalk it uses a special Access key to exchange information. We have improved its functionality to guarantee you the safest user experience.

    Connect your website to CleanTalk in 5 minutes and forget about spam.

    Improved Access key safety

    Your Anti-Spam and Security Access keys don’t have any expiration date. So don’t worry, you don’t have to do anything about it.

    Access key doesn’t need to be manually renewed except several cases:

    • In case you gave your website access to web developer or a freelancer and it may be compromised.
    • When your website had been hacked.
    • When you expect your CleanTalk access being given or copied to a third party.
    • In case you have any other issues and risks with CleanTalk account access.

    Also you can always change your password or email in CleanTalk dashboard.

    How to update your Access key

    Step 1: Add your website to dashboard using the button below. If your site is already connected to CleanTalk pass to Step 3.

    Step 2: Input your website URL in “Site URL” field.

    Step 3: Click on “Settings” button under your website name.

    Step 4: Go to “Change the Access key”.

    Step 5: Click on “Generate key” to create new safe Access key.

    Step 6: Then Apply the key by pressing the button below.

    Step 7: And just close the window after you are finished.

    Well done! Your new Access key is successfully generated and applied to your website. From now it will be active and if needed, you may change it again to guarantee its safety.

  • New feature: Settings and Personal lists templates for Anti-Spam and Security

    New feature: Settings and Personal lists templates for Anti-Spam and Security

    For our clients with more than one website used by Anti-Spam and Security protection we created Templates to save your website settings and personal lists – you can find it in your «Tools» menu. Using Templates you can easily copy any quantity of personal lists and filters, that you have already created for one of your websites, connected to your CleanTalk account.

    How to connect your website to CleanTalk

    In order to connect your website to CleanTalk just register via register link and follow the instructions from email. It may take you about 5 minutes to fully protect your website from spam.

    How to use Templates

    Step 1: If you want to use personal lists template, create at least one list. For more details about adding and working with personal lists use our guide. Website settings for templates are always created automatically when the site is connected to CleanTalk.

    Step 2: After that go to «Tools»«Templates» and press «Add template» button.

    In the dialog window name your Template and select a website that has at least one personal list using «Copy settings from site» field.

    Use «Set as default» checkbox to automatically add personal lists to all the new websites you connect to your CleanTalk account and «Copy personal list from…» checkbox to add personal lists from selected site to this template. If the checkbox is not marked, the template will only copy website settings.

    Step 3: Apply Settings and Personal lists template to your new website. In order to apply the template to any site use «Apply» link under the template that you wish to use.

    After that just use «Apply to services» field in order to select website that you wish to use this template with.

    That’s it! Feel free to use as many templates as needed to save time while protecting your websites from spam and security issues.

    If you’re looking from where to start – create your first template.

    In case you got any problems while using CleanTalk you can always open a private ticket.