Category: CleanTalk

  • Comparative statistic of spam activity on 4 popular CMS

    We have briefly analysed spam activity on 4 CMS powered platforms with CleanTalk service and got the following results:

    • First place — WordPress, 99.46% of spam messages, 88 thousand queries in selection.
    • Second place — DataLife Engine, 91.12% of spam queries (registrations + messages), 3 thousand queries in selection.
    • Third place — phpBB3, 86.98% of spam queries (registrations + messages), 655 thousand queries in selection.
    • Fourth place — Joomla, 42.08% of spam messages, 2 thousand queries in selection.

    Figures show that our incontestable “winner” is WordPress. This platform is the most popular among spammers.

    Joomla`s low percent is explained by the fact that Cleantalk works only with JComments component so far. Only recently did it start to support standard feedback form component. JComments does not work if website visitor`s computer does not support JavaScript, which accordingly influences the quantity of spam queries.

    We broadened our analysis a bit.

    First, we drew a diagram of previously mentioned data for them to be more vivid. We also counted average number of spam attacks on websites with regard to the platform. We used queries of August 2012 for our analysis. Here are the results:

    • phpBB3 — 180 spam attacks a day on average.
    • Joomla — less than 1.
    • WordPress — 338 spam attacks a day on average.
    • DataLife Engine — 101 spam attacks a day on average.
  • Updated anti-spam phpBB MOD

    Improvements in the new version of the anti-spam module for phpBB:

    • A new user account will be sent to the manual activation of the forum administration with an alert by email, If no server availability automatic moderation, or suspend access to the service.
    • Optimized PHP code in the base class and hook.
    • Deleted spam protection in the profiles of users of the forum.

    Bugfixes in the MOD:

    • Fixed bug with looping functions ct_error_mail();
    • Fixed bug with the connection template ucp_sms_check.html.

    We remind you that before updating module, you need to make a backup of the database and forum files! Update the module can be through Automod, after removing the previous version.

    Archive module Instruction manual upgrading from previous versions update_3.6.15_to_3.7.16.xml.

  • CleanTalk Company expanded its spam protection services for websites. A CMS protection app vBulletin was issued

    CleanTalk Company finished the development of an application for vBulletin which allows protection to a forum from spam.

    This application allows protection from automatically distributed spam, as well as from spam bots registrations. As an extra service, users can take advantage of additional functions, they can block messages with the help of stop-words  or compile their own dictionary of stop-words. The service allows to send messages with obscene words and pejoratives to manual moderation. The protection method offered by CleanTalk allows to switch from the methods that trouble the communication (CAPTCHA, question-answer etc.) to a more convenient one.

    CleanTalk – is a cloud automatic spam protection service.  To detect spam the multi-stage verification systems will check the pertinence of a message to the topic of a page, time of forms filling etc.

    The Company provides automatic spam protection services for popular  CMS : Joomla, phpBB, WordPress, DataLife Engine, IP Board.

    © 2013

  • HTTP links in comments, pingbacks at WordPress

    Today we’ve upgraded Automatic moderation servers, the new version (2.19.98) has feature of automatic learning preferences of the owner of the site in the following cases:

    1. Publication comments with HTTP links in the text. Previously, these messages Automoderator publicates on the site (blog/forum), the new version takes into account with the preference of site owner. Another words, if the owner removes on the manual moderation from the publication the message, then all of the following messages (with HTTP links) Automoderator will send to the manual moderation queue. Conversely, if allowed to publish posts with links, there Automoderator would publish such messages
    2. Earlier pingbacks Automoderator to the article published in the absence of spam. The new version Automoderator, as in the cases of the messages takes into account the preferences of the owner site, and therefore is able to either publish or post on manual modeartsiyu pingbacks.

    Changes on item by point 1 are available in all versions of the client, the changes on item point 2 plug-ins are available in WordPress since version 1.4.4.