Bot Detector


Traditional spam protection methods, such as CAPTCHA are becoming less effective as spammers become more sophisticated. As a result, website owners are turning to more innovative and smart solutions for their CMS.

However, not all websites are made with CMS. According to the study, 32% of sites on the Internet are created without any. And that’s over 36,000,000 sites that still need protection. If you use a CMS, protecting your website is easy – just install the proper plugin or addon and you’re done. But what if your website is built without a CMS?


How to protect your website without using CMS plugins or addons?

That’s where the Bot Detector shows up. It is a one-line code that allows you to connect to the Anti-Spam cloud without using any kind of plugins or additional software. The service is completely invisible and doesn’t bother your visitors. Its main goal is to protect all the forms on the site and block all known spam bots even before they ever reach your website.

Spam has been a major problem for website owners for many years. From annoying comment spam to harmful email spam, it can be difficult to keep your website and your visitors safe from the constant barrage of unwanted and potentially harmful content. However, there is a brand new method for anti-spam protection of your website from spam and spam bots that is gaining popularity and proving to be highly effective.


How to install Bot Detector

  1. Download the lib and unpack it to your filesystem. Add the CleanTalk Bot-detector JS library wrapper to the page HTML you want to protect.

  1. Fill the config.php. Obligatory properties are:

  2. To start use CheckBot library, include “yourpath/src/autoloader.php” into the code you want to perform the check.

    require_once '../../src/autoloader.php';
  3. Then create a new CleanTalk\CheckBot object, provide $_POST or filtered POST data to the constructor.

    $bot_checker = new \Cleantalk\CheckBot($_POST);
  4. $is_bot = $bot_checker->check()->getVerdict();
    if ( $is_bot ) {
      die ($bot_checker->getBlockMessage());

Learn more about using this method on our GitHub page.


Checking that bot protection works properly

Test the protection by using *@cl*******.org email for registering or sending a comment.

When you do that, you’ll see a message like this (if that didn’t happen, please contact us by opening a private support ticket).

Congratulations! From now on, your website is protected from spam and spam bots with Bot Detector.




2 responses to “Bot Detector”

  1. Steve Avatar

    Yeah, this process will never work for someone who has dozens of sites.

  2. Denis Shagimuratov Avatar

    Steve, botDetector is a great solution for custom build sites, which don’t have a market of ready to use plugins. If you operate dozens of web sites I believe you use something like WordPress, Drupal, thus please take a look at the plugins,

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