CleanTalk added K2 spam protection using direct form integration. So if you prefer to use K2 Forms be sure to use the most effective Anti-Spam plugin. Read the guide below and learn 8 steps to protect your K2 Forms from
EasyBook Reloaded Forms – Spam Protection for Joomla
If you prefer to use EasyBook Reloaded Forms be sure to use the most effective Anti-Spam plugin. Read the guide below and learn 8 steps to protect your EasyBook Reloaded Forms from spam. Once the CleanTalk Anti-Spam plugin is installed
Breezing Forms – Spam Protection for Joomla
If you prefer to use Breezing Forms be sure to use the most effective Anti-Spam plugin. Read the guide below and learn 8 steps to protect your Breezing Forms from spam. Once the CleanTalk Anti-Spam plugin is installed it starts
Even more opportunities to provide protection from spam on Joomla.
CleanTalk is a SaaS spam protection service for Web-sites. CleanTalk uses protection methods which are invisible for site visitors. Connecting to the service eliminates needs for CAPTCHA, questions and answers and other methods of protection, complicating the exchange of information
Anti-spam plugin for Joomla, version 2.3
Available updated anti-spam plugin for Joomla, changes in the new version, – Added anti spam protection for any custom/plugin contact form. To enable this option please set ‘Enable anti spam test for any contact forms’ in plugin settings. – Added onSpamTest()
Anti-spam plugin for Joomla, version 2.1
Available updated anti-spam plugin for Joomla, changes in the new version, – Improved JavaScript anti spam test. Now JS code loaded for every page. Test result inserts in Cookies. – Added Cookies anti spam test. – Disabled relevance test for comments.
Anti-spam plugin for Joomla, version 1.77
Available updated anti-spam plugin for Joomla, changes in the new version, JComments notifcations for new unpublished comments. Fxied bug with JavaScript anti-spam test for JComments. Fixed bug with plugin description for Joomla 2.5-3.x. Updated PHP API. We remind all the plugin
Anti-spam plugin for Joomla, version 1.76
Available updated anti-spam plugin for Joomla, changes in the new version, Added spam protection for BreezingForms. Tested with JComments 3.0. Fixed anti-spam protection for Ask form in VirtueMart 1.x, 2.x. We remind all the plugin functions, Protection from spam bots registrations
Anti-spam plugin for Joomla, version 1.73
Available updated anti-spam plugin for Joomla, changes in the new version, Improved spam protection for VirtueMart 1.1.3. Improved JavaScript anti-spam test for signup, comments and feedback forms. Improved anti-spam for JComments 2.3. We remind all the plugin functions, Protection from spam
Anti-spam plugin for Joomla, version 1.70 on Feb 19, 2014
Available updated anti-spam plugin for Joomla, changes in the new version, Improved spam protection for VirtueMart 1.x, 2.x. Added protection from spam to One Page Checkout for VirtueMart (Rupostel). Fixed bug with checking account for spam when editing profile account.