Limiting the number of password attempts in the web login form using Nginx or HAProxy by way of example of WordPress

By the example of WordPress consider a method for enhancing security by limiting the number of HTTP-requests to the form of entering the password. This helps protect against brute force published a blog (search and crack the password by trying all possible scenarios of a particular set of characters, or the selection of a dictionary

Yii 2.0. Release

CleanTalk is a SaaS spam protection service for Web-sites. CleanTalk uses protection methods which are invisible for site visitors. Connecting to the service eliminates needs for CAPTCHA, questions and answers and other methods of protection, complicating the exchange of information on the site. After three years of intensive development and nearly 10,000 commits more than

Accelerate WordPress

CleanTalk is a SaaS spam protection service for Web-sites. CleanTalk uses protection methods which are invisible for site visitors. Connecting to the service eliminates needs for CAPTCHA, questions and answers and other methods of protection, complicating the exchange of information on the site. WordPress in the standard setting is quite slow. By default, the engine

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