Author: Denis Shagimuratov

  • Updated phpBB3 anti-spam MOD 3.72

    Updated phpBB3 anti-spam MOD 3.72

    Updated phpBB3 anti-spam MOD, in the new version:

    • Optimized PHP code module.
    • Removed function of verification signups via SMS code.
    • Removed function to check spam posts for registered users (more than 5 approved posts).

    We remind all the possibilities anti-spam module,

    • Stops spam bots signups and posts.
    • Stops manually added spam posts.
    • Stops spam posts from Guests and New users.
    • Automatic publication of relevant forum posts.

    Archive module

  • New version of anti-spam plugin for Joomla 1.5, 2.5, 3.X

    New version of anti-spam plugin for Joomla 1.5, 2.5, 3.X

    Ready to use the new version of anti-spam plugin for Joomla, changes are as follows:

    • Improved JavaScript validation. Validation now correctly works with any number of scanned forms on one page.
    • Added protection against spam for versions VirtueMart 1.X.
    • In the plugin settings added a link to the project website.
    • Plugin renamed, the new name of «Antispam by CleanTalk».

    We remind all the features antispam plugin,

    • Stops spam bots signups on the Joomla sit.
    • Stops spam bots messages from contact form.
    • Antispam foor components JComments 2.3, VirtueMart.
    • Antispam for modules VTEM Contact, Rapid Contact.

    Download the new version

  • SPAM report from the Control Panel

    At the Control panel added buttons «This is SPAM», «not SPAM». Accordingly, each button adds or removes from the blacklist IP, Email, domains of this comment/registration.

    We remind that the blacklists are generated automatically on the basis of the feedback from site owners to add entries to the black list is required not less than 3 negative reviews from different web sites.

    To use the buttons, go to:
    Control panel -> WEB-SITE NAME.

  • Updated plugin for Joomla on Oct 21, 2013

    Available version 1.6.8 antispam plugin for Joomla 2.5, 3.X. Changes:

    • Added protection for feedback modules Rapid Contact, VTEM Contact.
    • Fixed bug with the definition of the sender’s IP address on JComments.

    Archive with the plugin

  • Updated phpBB3 anti-spam MOD

    Anti-spam module to the forum phpBB3 updated to version 3.7.17. List revision:

    • API switched to version 2.0.
    • Made multiple edit/optimize the code in files posting.php, memberlist.php.
    • Removed link to the project site from the footer of the forum.
    • Mod tested for compatibility with phpBB 3.0.12.

    Download the archive with the module


    We remind you update the module should be made in the following order:

    1. Make a backup of files and database of the forum.

    2. Using Автомод uninstall the previous version of the module.

    3. Install the new version of the module.

    4. Test the following instructions:

  • Perl, Python anti-spam API to web-site spam protection

    Ready to use API for protecting web site from spam, to an existing class PHP, added antispam modules Perl and Python. Libraries enable you to check on the spam as a new comment and registration. Examples:

    Perl API:

    use strict;
    use WebService::Antispam;

    my $ct = WebService::Antispam->new({
    auth_key => ‘12345’ # API key, please get on

    my $response = $ct->request({
    message => ‘abc’, # Comment visitor to the site
    example => undef, # The text of the article to which visitor created a comment.
    sender_ip => ‘’, # IP address of the visitor
    sender_email => ‘st********@ex*****.com‘, # Email IP of the visitor
    sender_nickname => ‘spam_bot’, # Nickname of the visitor
    submit_time => 12, # The time taken to fill the comment form in seconds
    js_on => 1, # The presence of JavaScript for the site visitor, 0|1

    Python API:

    from cleantalk import CleanTalk

    ct = CleanTalk(auth_key=’yourkey’)
    ct_result = ct.request(
    message = ‘abc’, # Visitor comment
    sender_ip = ‘’, # Visitor IP address
    sender_email = ‘st********@ex*****.com‘, # Visitor email
    sender_nickname = ‘spam_bot’, # Visitor nickname
    js_on = 1, # Is visitor has JavaScript
    submit_time = 12 # Seconds from start form filling till the form POST
    if ct_result[‘allow’]:
    print(‘Comment allowed. Reason ‘ + ct_result[‘comment’])
    print(‘Comment blocked. Reason ‘ + ct_result[‘comment’])

    Python module compatible with the version of Python 2 and Python release 3. Soon to be available API platform .NET.

    Perl anti-spam module to the web site

    Python anti-spam module to the web site

  • Updated antispam plugin for Joomla

    Available to install new version of anti-spam plugin for Joomla 2.5, 3.x, the list of changes:

    • plugin translated PHP API 2.0
    • optimized PHP code,
    • removed the extra plugin settings,
    • tested for compatibility with Joomla 2.5, 3.x.

    We remind all the possibilities of the plugin:

    • protection of the site from the registration of the spam bots.
    • protection of customers from manual spam comments.
    • protect the components of JComments, VirtueMart from spam bots.
    • protection of the feedback form from spam bots.

    Download plugin

  • Updated PHP API to version 1.21.9

    Ready to use version 1.21.9 PHP API, change the following:

    • Requests to the server switched ring HTTP+JSON. From RPC::XML refuse his redundancy for our service.
    • In the class “Cleantalk added option «data_codepage», which allows you to specify a code page of the data transferred, respectively class automatically encodes the data in UTF-8.

    The input, output the name of the variables and functions are fully compatible with the previous version of the API to update enough to replace cleantalk.class.php.


  • The accident at night Aug 9, 2013

    The accident at night Aug 9, 2013

    At night on 09.08.2013 from 19:30 until 02:30 (GMT) was not available database of IP blacklist, Email, domain addresses. As a result of the specified time the efficiency of spam filtering was below the multiyear average. The most heavily accident affected users with modules phpBB3 version 3.5.10 and below, along with the WordPress 1.4.4 and below.

    The accident is caused by physical hang database. We have made several improvements on servers automatic moderation, in particular increased the lifetime of the data in a local cache server up to 12 hours (was 1 hour), it will allow to avoid similar accidents in the future.


  • Policy changes for spam filtering

    In this week we have updated the automatically moderation servers. In the new version of the server software made 2 important changes.

    Offtopic tests
    Firstly, disabled offtopics filtering for message not containing spam. Let me remind you that these signs are – finding author in black lists, offline, JavaScript, suspiciously little time spent on writing the comment.

    In other words, a check of офтоп is included only for suspicious messages and aims to make an additional filter for cut-off spam messages.

    In the future we plan to enable the enable filtering офтопов including not spam messages, hope this option will be useful for large sites, forums, for which it is important to reduce the time of moderation-messages from site visitors.

    Spam filtering for suspended accounts
    The second important change is the policy of filtering spam in cases of suspending the account (either on a daily limit of approved requests tariff, or over the limit approved requests to a manual renewal).

    In the new version spam requests from suspended accounts are filtered in full, i.e. not limited extent. But if the registration is legitimate (approved by the service), then such registration will be sent to manual activation of account of the administration of the forum/site. If the message is not spam (approved by the service) it will be sent to the administration of the site/forum.

    Thus service CleanTalk protects the site from spam, regardless of the state of the service account, in cases of suspending the account owner of the site may have to manually activate the new accounts and approve the message, but it will also be delivered from the manual processing of spam account, messages.