Author: Anthony M

  • Checking your WordPress files and folders permissions with Website Security

    Checking your WordPress files and folders permissions with Website Security

    Website Security plugin now automatically scans your WordPress files and folders for unsafe permissions and recommends how to change them if necessary.

    What are WordPress File Permissions

    WordPress file permissions protect your site’s files and directories from unauthorized access by hackers. Securing the proper permissions adds security to your site and makes it less vulnerable.

    There are 3 types of file permissions in WordPress: read, write, and execute and are denoted in 2 ways. One of them is numerical.

    PermissionWhat it meansDenotion
    ReadUser can view the contents of a file or directory, but not change anything4
    WriteUser allowed to modify the contents of a file or directory, but not execute it2
    ExecuteUser allowed to run script files, or run scripts inside a directory1
    No permissionUser has no access to the file or directory0

    Also, there are 3 categories of roles: user owner (single account), group owner (a set of users), and world (every other user). So, in the numeric schema, the permission number is a sum of all available permissions for each role.  And here are 4 examples of how a file or folder permission is recognized by WordPress:


    While 000 or 440 seem to be the safest file permissions, they are impractical. And as you can see 777 is very dangerous as it leaves the file or directory open to modification by any user.

    How to scan my website for unsafe permissions

    The Website Security plugin automatically scans your website every 24 hours and checks all the permissions of the files and folders. Here is a list of all the files the plugin checks.


    You can see the results of your last scan on the main page of the plugin: go to Settings Security by CleanTalk in your side menu. When you enter this page, a scan is immediately started to give you the most up-to-date information about your site’s security.

    If there are some unsafe permissions you will see the message:

    Permissions for files and directories from the list are unsafe. We recommend change it to 755 for each file and 644 for each directory from the list.

    In that case, follow the instructions in the message. It is always recommended 755 for files and 644 for directories.

    How to change access rights (using Linux as an example)

    The Linux permissions for all files in your WordPress base directory should be set to readable and writable by the owning user (you), and readable only by everyone else. This creates a baseline where the web server can read all files. It will need read access in order to serve static content like images, CSS and Javascript files. Unlike the method above we will be adjusting script permissions to be more stringent later on.

    find </path/to/wordpress> -type f \-exec chmod 644 {} \;

    If possible, the permissions for all files should be set to read and writable to your user, readable by the group, and no permissions for others. In some instances this may cause issues with other software or plugins, but it is possible to restrict these permissions in some instances.

    Lockdown permissions for all PHP scripts so that only your user can read them. This is ideal because only your user should need to know the contents of scripts.

    find </path/to/wordpress> -type f -name "*.php" \-exec chmod 640 {} \;

    Also, feel free to use Security by CleanTalk plugin to check wp-content automatically on a daily basis.

  • Easy Digital Downloads – Spam Protection for WordPress

    Easy Digital Downloads – Spam Protection for WordPress

    CleanTalk added spam protection for Easy Digital Downloads Forms using direct form integration. So in case, you prefer using Easy Digital Downloads Forms be sure to use the most effective Anti-Spam plugin. Read the guide below and learn 4 steps to protect your Easy Digital Downloads Forms from spam.

    Once the CleanTalk Anti-Spam plugin is installed it starts to protect all of the existing forms on your WordPress website. It may not only be Easy Digital Downloads forms but also many others.

    Download CleanTalk Anti-Spam plugin | Download Easy Digital Downloads 

    How to install CleanTalk Anti-Spam plugin

    To install the Anti-Spam plugin, go to your WordPress admin panelPluginsAdd New.

    Then enter «СleanTalk» in the search box and click the Install button for «Spam protection, Anti-Spam, FireWall by CleanTalk».

    After installing the plugin, click the «Activate»‎ button.

    After it is done go to the plugin settings and click the «Get Access Key Automatically» button. Then just click the «Save Settings»‎ button.

    That’s it! From now you How to completely protect your СonvertKit Forms from spam.

    How to check spam protection for Easy Digital Downloads Forms

    You can test the work of Anti-Spam protection for your СonvertKit Forms by using a test email s @ (without spaces). First, open the form in an Incognito browser tab. Fill in all the required form fields and send a form. After submitting the form, you will see a block message about the block on the form submission.

    If you have any questions, add a comment and we will be happy to help you.

    Create your CleanTalk account – Register now and protect your СonvertKit Forms from spam in 5 minutes


    The protection works only for website visitors, not for website admins. Be sure to test the form protection using Incognito mode.

    Additional features

    • CleanTalk protects all forms at once: comments, registrations, feedbacks, contacts, reviews.
    • Installation takes about 1-2 minutes.
    • Smart 99% protection against spambots.
    • Always online – 24/7 technical support.
    • Logs, SpamFireWall, personal lists, country filters, stop-words, and many others.

    Discover the complete list of CleanTalk Anti-Spam plugin features here.

  • 5 Reasons Why Daily Group Reports Will Save You Time

    5 Reasons Why Daily Group Reports Will Save You Time

    Some people do daily reports to account for their time at work, some are proud to share their progress, and for some, it’s nothing more than an obligation. The reasons may vary, but the important thing is that it should work for you.

    For us at СleanTalk daily reports are a full-fledged communication channel, so each employee sends their daily report with the current day’s results and the next day’s plans to the whole team at once (we use Gmail + Google Groups for this). Yes, each employee gets about 20 report emails at the end of the day but it really helps to save time. Let us share with you how it works.


    1. Your report is opened by someone interested in it

    There’s nothing worse than wasting time on a report that isn’t useful. In a normal “vertical” reporting system, you and your colleagues end the work day by sending reports and plans for the next day to your team leader, and it’s nice if they have enough time to read and make sense of them. Also, it will be a great success if they are able to give feedback on them. With this system, the synchronization of the team members’ work lays entirely on the team leader’s shoulders who further distributes and monitors the tasks.

    With a horizontal reporting system (like ours), all reports end up in the same mailing list group in Google Groups. When employees work on the same product, they often know the details better than their team leader, that is what exact task should be paid the most attention to and whose attention should be prioritized higher based on their previous experience.

    2. You can adjust the plan of action better or correct a mistake in advance

    For example, when one team has to start doing a new part of the project, and the other team has not yet finished the required previous part. In this case, it will become visible in the reports and the workflow can be adjusted. That is, some of the issues can be solved at the planning stage before the actual implementation.

    If an error in the workflow could not be avoided, the earlier it is detected the less time it will take to fix it. For example, a backend developer can notice a possible error in the work of a frontend developer in advance and notify them. That will help in fixing the mistake quickly and time will be saved.

    3. This is a full-fledged communication channel on par with audio and video conferences

    In our team, on average, at least one dialog appears out of 20 reports, this happens almost every day. Part of our time is saved because the employee is not waiting for a scheduled online meeting to discuss a particular issue. Such reports are great for non-urgent tasks scheduled for the current day. However, if the task is urgent and needs to be solved quicker, an audio or video conference is more effective.

    4. Possibility of retrospective analysis

    You can always examine the history of reports on a particular task and evaluate what went wrong and what could have been done differently. Sometimes this may seem like a waste of time, but it helps to avoid such mistakes and save time in the future.

    5. The openness of information and team building

    When we say your report is seen by the whole team, it literally is without exclusions. This applies primarily to team leaders and CEOs. It’s always essential for employees to know what the company founder or their top manager is contributing to the product. Such a team leader will always earn more respect from their colleagues. Besides, when everyone sees each other’s contribution it is very important for team building and a cohesive team will probably show better results in the same amount of time than any other team.

    We hope this article helps start-up companies in saving valuable time. We were a small company once, we invented and tested various approaches to organizing reports and competent time management. Some of the techniques didn’t work for us, but we’ve been practicing this approach to organizing reports for a long time and are happy that it helps our employees save more time for their families and hobbies.

    Have a look at our experience how to organize task among team by using SCRUM techniques in Basecamp 2.

  • Our client’s review: STRINGKICK.COM

    Our client’s review: STRINGKICK.COM

    We continue sharing our clients’ reviews and today’s one is brought to you by @freekwp from

    Great solution that does what it promises

    I tried many solutions, from honeypots to reCaptcha, but none of them worked. With Cleantalk my spam messages dropped to zero overnight. The other week I was hit by a spam attack. Cleantalk blocked over 100.000 spam messages, and I didn’t even notice until my weekly summary email came in a few days later.

    In short, an excellent solution that I’ve been recommending to everyone with a contact form.

  • Geolocation (сity) in the Security Log and email reports

    Geolocation (сity) in the Security Log and email reports

    Sometimes knowing the attacker’s country is just not enough, so now we added certain geolocation by IP to help you. The new feature will be added automatically to all Website Security plugin users.

    You can notice it:

    1. On the Security Log page.
    2. On the Security FireWall page.
    3. On the Blacklists Database Reports page.
    4. In your email with Successful Logins With an Administrator Role.
    5. In your email Weekly Security report.

    Blacklists Database Reports page

    Create your CleanTalk account


  • Anti-Spam pricing update 2022

    Anti-Spam pricing update 2022

    It’s been 8 years since the last pricing change. Since that moment, spam bots become smarter every day and quality requirements for anti-spam services have greatly increased. We’re updating our prices so that we can continue to offer you the best product quality and support experience. 

    As always, we offer a range of plans, so new clients can pick a price that works for their budget. New clients can also easily compare services between leading anti-spam services and ensure that the prices are quite reasonable.


    From August 10 and on

    The new prices will apply on August 10, 2022.

    The increase will only affect the purchase of new licenses. Previously paid licenses (before August 10, 2022) can be renewed at the previous price from the Dashboard or by auto-pay.

  • Our client’s review: GARNETCREATIVE.COM

    Our client’s review: GARNETCREATIVE.COM

    We continue sharing our clients’ reviews and today’s one is brought to you by @kpstraus from

    Easy setup – Works like a charm!

    I can’t say enough good about CleanTalk. Reasonably priced. Easy to set up. Works immediately to cut down on unwanted traffic and form spam. I install it on every site I build. Clients who were previously bombarded with spam are totally pleased with the result.

  • Custom text messages for Security FireWall Block Page

    Custom text messages for Security FireWall Block Page

    We’re glad to introduce the new feature of our Security Extra Package.

    When you use Personal Black Lists (including blocking by country) users see a default message “This is the testing page for Security FireWall” but now you can change it. The message can include your email or phone number. In that case, you can collect data about the reasons for false positives.

    How to create a custom message

    Step 1: Go to your Dashboard => Security. Select your website and click on Settings.

    Step2: Scroll down to Message for forbidden visitors and check it. After that you can type any text you want including emails and phone numbers. When finished just press the Update button.

    That’s it! Your custom message is enabled and updated. After about 10 minutes you can take a look at your Security FireWall block page.

    How to preview your block page

    Step 1: Go to Dashboard => Security => Your website Settings (exactly like it was described above). Then click on Testing Security FireWall.

    Step 2: After that, your Security FireWall testing page will appear. Here you can preview your custom message and edit it if needed.

    Get your Website Security now


  • Our client’s review: MORGENSTUDIO.DE

    Our client’s review: MORGENSTUDIO.DE

    We continue sharing our clients’ reviews and today’s one is brought to you by @doriank from

    Good solution for spam

    Using this on two sites for a while and works extremely good. Recommended!

  • Our client’s story: EKART.CZ

    Our client’s story: EKART.CZ

    We continue sharing our clients’ stories and today’s one is brought to you by Jindrich Ekart from

    Great satisfaction with the Spam protection CleanTalk product

    A large number of spam user registrations have appeared on several Joomla content management sites, and despite the use of ReCaptcha by Google, there have also been problems with forms spam on the BreezingForms component, which is also protected by ReCaptcha.

    We were helped by a plugin for Joomal from CleanTalk, which captures a large number of spam attempts to register or submit forms.