Ready to use API for protecting web site from spam, to an existing class PHP, added antispam modules Perl and Python. Libraries enable you to check on the spam as a new comment and registration. Examples:
Perl API:
use strict;
use WebService::Antispam;
my $ct = WebService::Antispam->new({
auth_key => ‘12345’ # API key, please get on
my $response = $ct->request({
message => ‘abc’, # Comment visitor to the site
example => undef, # The text of the article to which visitor created a comment.
sender_ip => ‘’, # IP address of the visitor
sender_email => ‘’, # Email IP of the visitor
sender_nickname => ‘spam_bot’, # Nickname of the visitor
submit_time => 12, # The time taken to fill the comment form in seconds
js_on => 1, # The presence of JavaScript for the site visitor, 0|1
Python API:
from cleantalk import CleanTalk
ct = CleanTalk(auth_key=’yourkey’)
ct_result = ct.request(
message = ‘abc’, # Visitor comment
sender_ip = ‘’, # Visitor IP address
sender_email = ‘’, # Visitor email
sender_nickname = ‘spam_bot’, # Visitor nickname
js_on = 1, # Is visitor has JavaScript
submit_time = 12 # Seconds from start form filling till the form POST
if ct_result[‘allow’]:
print(‘Comment allowed. Reason ‘ + ct_result[‘comment’])
print(‘Comment blocked. Reason ‘ + ct_result[‘comment’])
Python module compatible with the version of Python 2 and Python release 3. Soon to be available API platform .NET.